which software was the first available for microcomputers quizlet

The design packed 800 vacuum tubes into a relatively compact 12 square feet. The British Broadcasting Corporations Computer Literacy Project hoped to introduce interested adults to the world of computers. Acorn produces a popular computer, the BBC Microcomputer System, so viewers at home could follow along on their own home computers as they watched the program. Twitter is an example of which web-based collaboration resource? Microcomputer Applications - Quiz 1. Foremost among its developments was Forresters perfection of magnetic core memory, which became the dominant form of high-speed random access memory for computers until the mid-1970s. Title card- BBCs The Computer Programme. Running on dual IBM 7090 mainframe computer systems, SABRE was inspired by IBMs earlier work on the SAGE air-defense system. Which of the following is an online course characteristic that supports success? Initially designed for internal use by HP employees, co-founder Bill Hewlett issues a challenge to his engineers in 1971: fit all of the features of their desktop scientific calculator into a package small enough for his shirt pocket. A microcomputer contains a microprocessor (a central processing unit on a microchip ), memory in the form of read-only memory and random access memory , . The SSEC was one of the last of the generation of 'super calculators' to be built using electromechanical technology. The PowerBook line of computers was discontinued in 2006. This was the first program in history to run on a digital, electronic, stored-program computer. Nine of the computers, which featured dozens of advanced design innovations, were sold, mainly to national laboratories and major scientific users. PDF DOCUMENT RESUME - ed Lenovo became the largest manufacturer of PCs in the world with the acquisition, later also acquiring IBM's server line of computers. It was designed by MIT Lincoln Laboratory engineer Wesley Clark. The machines system of connections and switches let processors broadcast information and requests for help to other processors in a simulation of brain-like associative recall. The line was discontinued in 2014. Windows NT was a version of Windows that included a graphical interface on top of a DOS kernel. The primary distinguishing characteristic of modern computers is ____. Headquartered in Maynard, Massachusetts, Digital Equipment Corporation, took over 8,680 square foot leased space in a nineteenth century mill that once produced blankets and uniforms for soldiers who fought in the Civil War. The 1973 Wang 2200 makes it a successful computer company, too. List of early microcomputers - Wikipedia Using this system, the machine could work faster than any other at the time on a problem that could be parceled out among the many processors. Chuck Peddle leads a small team of former Motorola employees to build a low-cost microprocessor. The first large-scale computer communications network, SAGE connects 23 hardened computer sites in the US and Canada. IBMs initial investment of $5 billion was quickly returned as orders for the system climbed to 1,000 per month within two years. Typical applications included US national defense work, including the design and simulation of nuclear weapons, and weather forecasting. The Commodore 64 was one of the most popular microcomputers of its era, and is the best-selling model of home computers of all time. The Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (SSEC) project, led by IBM engineer Wallace Eckert, uses both relays and vacuum tubes to process scientific data at the rate of 50 14 x 14 digit multiplications per second. Description. These microcomputers were often sold as "DIY" kits or pre-built machines in relatively small numbers in the mid-1970s.These systems were primarily used for teaching the use of microprocessors and supporting peripheral devices, and unlike home computers were rarely used with pre-written application software. Its task was to detect incoming Soviet bombers and direct interceptor aircraft to destroy them. In 1977, MITS was sold to Pertec, which continued producing Altairs in 1978. Microsoft Windows, also called Windows and Windows OS, computer operating system (OS) developed by Microsoft Corporation to run personal computers (PCs). The Manchester Mark I used more than 1,300 vacuum tubes and occupied an area the size of a medium room. Apps, games, and accessories helped spur the popularity of the iPad and led to its adoption in thousands of different applications from movie making, creating art, making music, inventory control and point-of-sale systems, to name but a few. Chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet The US Army asked Bell Laboratories to design a machine to assist in testing its M-9 gun director, a type of analog computer that aims large guns to their targets. What can both teachers and students create to make a visual record their skill development over time? An inspiring summer school on computing at the University of Pennsylvanias Moore School of Electrical Engineering stimulates construction of stored-program computers at universities and research institutions in the US, France, the UK, and Germany. Designed by Don Lancaster, the TV Typewriter is an easy-to-build kit that can display alphanumeric information on an ordinary television set. Apple makes a splash with its Bondi Blue iMac, which sells for about $1,300. Students included future computing pioneers such as Maurice Wilkes, Claude Shannon, David Rees, and Jay Forrester. What kind of software tool are Notebook and ActivInspire examples of? These tables were later confirmed by using more modern computers for the actual flights. OS/2 will continue to be used in special a. Mac OS b. DOS (Disk Operating System) c. desktop operating system d. Linux 0 points QUESTION 2 1. Its chiclet keyboard was also criticized for poor ergonomics. To protect it from earthquakes, the building housing it was built using a seismic isolation system that used rubber supports. SWTPC introduces many computer kits based on the Motorola 6800, and later, the 6809. The first Q1 microcomputer was delivered in December of 1972, making it the first, as far as he can tell. Gates and Allen started Microsoftoriginally called Micro-Soft, for microprocessors and. Upgrade to Quizlet Plus to study with no ads, offline access and even more premium features, like image uploading and scanning to create sets. Chapter 1 Microcomputer Applications Exam Flashcards | Quizlet Johnniac was used for scientific and engineering calculations. System control was provided through the Atlas Supervisor, which some consider to be the first true operating system. DEC is founded initially to make electronic modules for test, measurement, prototyping and control markets. Reaching 32 gigaflops (32 billion floating point operations per second), Intels Touchstone Delta has 512 processors operating independently, arranged in a two-dimensional communications mesh. Caltech researchers used this supercomputer prototype for projects such as real-time processing of satellite images, and for simulating molecular models in AIDS research. The PowerBook 100 was the entry-level machine, while the PowerBook 140 was more powerful and had a larger memory. The IBM PC-RT had 1 MB of RAM, a 1.2-megabyte floppy disk drive, and a 40 MB hard drive. What is the Internet standard for how web pages are formatted and displayed? Which two kinds of software are designed primarily for use by individuals rather than by groups of students? Chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet Used for science and engineering as well as simple data processing, the LGP-30 was a bargain at less than $50,000 and an early example of a personal computer, that is, a computer made for a single user. News of the groundbreaking electronic ENIAC computer that same year inspired the group to change course and attempt a digital solution, whereby flight variables could be rapidly programmed in software. Information Management System Chapter 3 Quiz - CourseBB After successfully demonstrating a proof-of-concept prototype in 1939, Professor John Vincent Atanasoff receives funds to build a full-scale machine at Iowa State College (now University). Enterprise resource planning systems cannot be used for managing daily operations. At its introduction, it was listed as the second fastest supercomputer in the world and this single system increased NASA's supercomputing capacity 10-fold. The micro should be an extremely low power device even if this raises the cost of the project. Commodore even used Star Trek television star William Shatner in advertisements. The first of several personal computers released in 1977, the PET comes fully assembled with either 4 or 8 KB of memory, a built-in cassette tape drive, and a membrane keyboard. VTech, founded in Hong Kong, had been a manufacturer of Pong-like games and educational toys when they introduce the Laser 128 computer. What type of integration strategy is a teacher using when his students videoconference to exchange ideas about water pollution prevention? Called the Model K Adder because he built it on his Kitchen table, this simple demonstration circuit provides proof of concept for applying Boolean logic to the design of computers, resulting in construction of the relay-based Model I Complex Calculator in 1939. Apples inspiration for the Lisa and Macintosh computers came from the Xerox Alto. Today those systems use the PowerPC chip, also by Motorola and a successor to the 68000 series. high interaction between students and the teacher. Kilburn (left) and Williams in front of 'Baby'. Select the power connector that is specified by the ATX Version 2.2 standard, which allows more power to the motherboard for PCI Express (PCIe) devices. Among the lecturers were early computer designers like John von Neumann, Howard Aiken, J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, as well as mathematicians including Derrick Lehmer, George Stibitz, and Douglas Hartree. The First Microcomputer: The Q1 | Hackaday Cuthbert Hurd (standing) and Thomas Watson, Sr. at IBM 701 console. In some places, lower populations of ELL students may result in distorted data analysis. The upgraded and faster Tianhe-1A used Intel Xeon CPUs as well, but switched to nVidia's Tesla GPUs and added more than 2,000 Fei-Tang (SPARC-based) processors. When Xerox PARC loaned the Stanford Engineering Department an entire Alto Ethernet network with laser printer, graduate student Andy Bechtolsheim re-designed it into a prototype that he then attached to Stanfords computer network. The typical PDP-1 computer system, which sells for about $120,000, includes a cathode ray tube graphic display, paper tape input/output, needs no air conditioning and requires only one operator; all of which become standards for minicomputers. Definition. Its large scope intrigued early hackers at MIT, who wrote the first computerized video game, SpaceWar!, as well as programs to play music. Microcomputer was formerly a commonly used term for personal computers, particularly any of a class of small digital computers whose CPU is contained on a single integrated semiconductor chip. Online retailer Amazon released the Kindle, one of the first to gain a large following among consumers. OS/2 was the first advanced GUI operating system for Intel-based microcomputers, and has been around for a few years. The ATX is the most commonly used form factor today. Within a year, he had built the worlds first laser printer, launching a new era in computer printing, generating billions of dollars in revenue for Xerox. The Micral computer series debuted their first computer in early 1973. The Pentium introduced several advances that made programs run faster such as the ability to execute several instructions at the same time and support for graphics and music. The Relay Interpolator used 440 relays, and since it was programmable by paper tape, was used for other applications following the war. The LINC was later commercialized by DEC and sold as the LINC-8. Answers: Convert data into an electronic machine-readable form for direct entry into a computer system. It was the first microcomputer to sell in large numbers. Virginia Tech used more than a thousand PowerMac G5s to create the System X cluster supercomputer, rated #3 in November of that year on the worlds TOP500 fastest computers. What do sites such as edshelf, Learning List, What Works Clearinghouse, EdSurge Product Index, and Common Sense Education help teachers with? The first commercially advertised US computer based on a microprocessor (the Intel 8008,) the Scelbi has 4 KB of internal memory and a cassette tape interface, as well as Teletype and oscilloscope interfaces. Answer early modern period 1700 ad to 1899 ad 16 Featuring the first graphical user interface (GUI) for IBM -compatible PCs, the Windows OS soon dominated the PC market. The PDP-8 sold for $18,000, one-fifth the price of a small IBM System/360 mainframe. All three PowerBooks introduced featured a built-in trackball, internal floppy drive, and palm rests, which would eventually become typical of 1990s laptop design. Which of the following is not a file format in which audio-video files can be imported from a source and stored in a computer? The Newton line never performed as well as hoped and was discontinued in 1998. The AGCs first flight was on Apollo 7. What feature of modern productivity tools makes it possible for files created in one software product to be opened in another software product? Intel released the 80486 microprocessor and the i860 RISC/coprocessor chip, each of which contained more than 1 million transistors. What have recent studies of online school performance compared with traditional school performance shown? The Difference Engine #2 at the Science Museum, London. The first generation of Palm-produced devices, the Palm 1000 and 5000, are based around a Motorola microprocessor running at 16MHz, and uses a special gestural input language called Graffiti, which is quick to learn and fast. The Earth Simulator was listed as the fastest supercomputer in the world from 2002 to 2004. What is a typical classroom application for instructional games? There is an inconsistency between states in the classification of ELL students. Their first product, the HP 200A Audio Oscillator, rapidly became a popular piece of test equipment for engineers. Airline reservation agents working with SABRE. Built by a team led by engineers Frederick Williams and Tom Kilburn, the Mark I serves as the prototype for Ferrantis first computer the Ferranti Mark 1. Though it used a proprietary operating system, RISC OS, the RISC PC could run PC-compatible software using the Acorn PC Card. A. The Pi weighed only 45 grams and initially sold for only $25-$35 U.S. Announced the year previously at the New York World's Fair the Programma 101 goes on sale. In all, about 200 of the boards were sold before Apple announced the follow-on Apple II a year later as a ready-to-use computer for consumers, a model which sold in the millions for nearly two decades. MITS co-founder Ed Roberts invented the Altair 8800 which sold for $297, or $395 with a case and coined the term personal computer. -The Massive Open Online Course (M O O C). The Univac 1 is the first commercial computer to attract widespread public attention. It used $120 worth of electronics components, as outlined in the September 1973 issue of hobbyist magazine Radio Electronics. Created by Presper Eckert and John Mauchly -- designers of the earlier ENIAC computer -- the Univac 1 used 5,200 vacuum tubes and weighed 29,000 pounds. One of Britain's leading computer companies, Acorn continued the Archimedes line, which grew to nearly twenty different models, into the 1990s. The Johnniac computer is one of 17 computers that followed the basic design of Princeton's Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) computer. Computer Chp. 1&2 Flashcards Selling for $1,750, the Micral never penetrated the U.S. market. Beginning with the VAX-11/780, the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) VAX family of computers rivals much more expensive mainframe computers in performance and features the ability to address over 4 GB of virtual memory, hundreds of times the capacity of most minicomputers. Designed by Sunnyvale, California native Steve Wozniak, and marketed by his friend Steve Jobs, the Apple-1 is a single-board computer for hobbyists. Micral Computer: Everything You Need To Know After being successfully used for decades, NTDS was phased out in favor of the newer AEGIS system in the 1980s. IBM Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (SSEC). The Amiga sold for $1,295 (without monitor) and had audio and video capabilities beyond those found in most other personal computers. Lisa is the first commercial personal computer with a graphical user interface (GUI). An experiment conducted five months later on the MIT Whirlwind computer confirmed how useful and convenient a keyboard input device could be. IBMs 7000 series of mainframe computers are the companys first to use transistors. Developed for Busicom, a Japanese calculator maker, the 4004 had 2250 transistors and could perform up to 90,000 operations per second in four-bit chunks. [3] IBM SSEC, became operational in January 1948 but was electromechanical [22] Dubbed a Personal Data Assistant by Apple President John Scully in 1992, the Newton featured many of the features that would define handheld computers in the following decades. Ed Colligan, Donna Dubinsky, and Jeff Hawkins. Which of the following is not a benefit offered by simulations? The Baby was built to test a new memory technology developed by Williams and Kilburn -- soon known as the Williams Tube which was the first high-speed electronic random access memory for computers. Designed to replace the 32-bit VAX architecture, the Alpha is a 64-bit reduced instruction set computer (RISC) microprocessor. Compaq licensed the MS-DOS operating system from Microsoft and legally reverse-engineered IBMs BIOS software. The NBS also built the Standards Western Automatic Computer (SWAC) at the Institute for Numerical Analysis on the UCLA campus. The PC Jr. is marketed as a home computer but is too expensive and limited in performance to compete with many of the other machines in that market. Throughout the 1960s and 70s, the ASR-33 was a popular and inexpensive choice of input and output device for minicomputers and many of the first generation of microcomputers. the _____ screen is the first screen displayed. Store the results for future use Hardware the electronical and mechanical equipment that makes up a computer. Eventually, SABRE expanded, even making airline reservations available via on-line services such as CompuServe, Genie, and America Online. The Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) computer is a multi-year research project conducted under the overall supervision of world-famous mathematician John von Neumann. Based on the Touchstone Delta computer Intel had built at Caltech, the Paragon is a parallel supercomputer that uses 2,048 (later increased to more than four thousand) Intel i860 processors. Astronauts communicated with the computer by punching two-digit codes into the display and keyboard unit (DSKY). The world's first scanned image was made on SEAC by engineer Russell Kirsch in 1957. The Nest would remember what temperature users preferred by training itself to monitor daily use patterns for a few days then adopting that pattern as its new way of controlling home temperature. _____ account allows changes that affect other users, changes to security settings, installation of software and hardware, and access to all files on the computer. The Nest allowed for remote access to a users homes thermostat by using a smartphone or tablet and could also send monthly power consumption reports to help save on energy bills. Apple launches the iPhone - a combination of web browser, music player and cell phone - which could download new functionality in the form of "apps" (applications) from the online Apple store. Motorola went on to create the 68000 series, which became the basis for the Apple Macintosh line of computers. [1] Raspberry Pi, a popular modern-class microcomputer A microcomputer is a small, relatively inexpensive computer having a central processing unit (CPU) made out of a microprocessor. The new chip made graphical operating environments for IBM PC and PC-compatible computers practical. The iPad combines many of the popular capabilities of the iPhone, such as built-in high-definition camera, access to the iTunes Store, and audio-video capabilities, but with a nine-inch screen and without the phone. Millions of Apple IIs were sold between 1977 and 1993, making it one of the longest-lived lines of personal computers. What was the first computer software and how was it made? Apple's Macintosh Portable meets with little success in the marketplace and leads to a complete redesign of Apple's line of portable computers. The ASCI Red, based on the design of the Intel Paragon, was built by IBM and delivered to Sandia National Laboratories. All these previous chips set the stage for the first PC processors. Gene Amdahl, father of the IBM System/360, starts his own company, Amdahl Corporation, to compete with IBM in mainframe computer systems. It was originally created for a nuclear missile design project in 1949 by a team led by Fred Steele. Despite using 98,304 PowerPC chips, Sequoia's relatively low power usage made it unusually efficient. Stibitz stunned the group by performing calculations remotely on the CNC (located in New York City) using a Teletype terminal connected to New York over special telephone lines. Within weeks of its appearance, customers inundated its maker, MITS, with orders. Answer (1 of 14): There's a good argument that written mathematics or music is probably the first, a pre-specified structured set of instructions intended to transport and replicate a process. Only one month later, another one million Raspberry Pis were delivered. While imprisoned at Buchenwald concentration camp for the rest of World War II, he refines his pre-war design of a calculator featuring a modified version of Leibnizs stepped drum design. The first practical stored-program computer to provide a regular computing service, EDSAC is built at Cambridge University using vacuum tubes and mercury delay lines for memory. The first IBM PC, formally known as the IBM Model 5150, was based on a 4.77 MHz Intel 8088 microprocessor and used Microsofts MS-DOS operating system. The EDSAC project was led by Cambridge professor and director of the Cambridge Computation Laboratory, Maurice Wilkes. The first stored-program computer to be built in continental Europe was the MESM, completed in the Soviet Union in 1950. Over 30 were completed, including one delivered to Australia. What are students programming when they develop a computer-generated environment in which a real-life scene is overlaid with computer-generated information? It was based on a graphical user interface using windows, icons, and a mouse, and worked together with other Altos over a local area network. Solved Until recently, good microcomputer software for - Chegg Because of its electronic, as opposed to electromechanical, technology, it is over 1,000 times faster than any previous computer. Their first program, consisting of seventeen instructions and written by Kilburn, ran on June 21st, 1948. A large amount of software was created for the BBC Micro, including educational, productivity, and game programs. The Paragon at Caltech was named the fastest supercomputer in the world in 1992. Under the auspices of a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant, biomedical research faculty from around the United States came to a workshop at MIT to build their own LINCs, and then bring them back to their home institutions where they would be used. The handwriting recognition software was much maligned for inaccuracy. Bill Gates and Paul Allen licensed their BASIC programming language interpreter to MITS as the main language for the Altair. Computer-enhanced image of IBMs Roadrunner. Its founders were Ken and Stan Olsen, and Harlan Anderson. The University of Michigan Micro Mote (M3) is the smallest computer in the world at the time of its completion. Built by IBM using their Blue Gene/Q supercomputer architecture, the Sequoia system is the world's fastest supercomputer in 2012. The inside of the Amiga case is engraved with the signatures of the Amiga designers, including Jay Miner as well as the paw print of his dog Mitchy. A commercial version of Alan Turing's Pilot ACE, called DEUCEthe Digital Electronic Universal Computing Engine -- is used mostly for science and engineering problems and a few commercial applications. It was one of the first commercially available relational database management systems for microcomputers. While Apple sued to remove the Laser 128 from the market, they were unsuccessful and the Laser remained one of the very few Apple clones for sale. At MIT, researchers begin experimenting with direct keyboard input to computers, a precursor to todays normal mode of operation. Ross contended that a Flexowriter -- an electrically-controlled typewriter -- connected to an MIT computer could function as a keyboard input device due to its low cost and flexibility. If a student is creating within Minecraft or Sims, what type of computer programming products are they designing and making? That goes back thousands of years, of course, and you can guess how they did it. For many business users, quick access to this huge storage capability outweighed its relatively slow processing speed. 25. A full-scale working replica of the ABC was completed in 1997, proving that the ABC machine functioned as Atanasoff had claimed. Both faced strong competition from the Apple II, Commodore PET, and TRS-80 computers. Programmer Arthur Samuels used the 701 to write the first computer program designed to play checkers. Answer: . While many early digital computers were based on similar designs, such as the IAS and its copies, others are unique designs, like the CSIRAC. Intel introduced the 8086 in June 1978. Intel and Zilog introduced new microprocessors. This printing programmable calculator was made from discrete transistors and an acoustic delay-line memory. Before its decommissioning in 1952, the SSEC produced the moon position tables used in early planning of the 1969 Apollo XII moon landing. During three years of production, IBM sells 19 701s to research laboratories, aircraft companies, and the federal government. Modeled after the Cambridge University EDSAC computer, the president of Lyons Tea Co. has the LEO built to solve the problem of production scheduling and delivery of cakes to the hundreds of Lyons tea shops around England. The 400 served primarily as a game console, while the 800 was more of a home computer. An ecologist, for example, could sprinkle thousands of motes from the air onto a field and measure soil and air temperature, moisture, and sunlight, giving them accurate real-time data about the environment. Twenty-five ways in which MIT has transformed computing B. By 2011, over 2.4 million laptops had been shipped. The AGC was one of the earliest uses of integrated circuits, and used core memory, as well as read-only magnetic rope memory. Level. Until the year 2000, it was the world's fastest supercomputer, able to achieve peak performance of 1.3 teraflops, (about 1.3 trillion calculations per second).

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which software was the first available for microcomputers quizlet

which software was the first available for microcomputers quizlet

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which software was the first available for microcomputers quizlet