disadvantages of slice in tennis

The shot is executed with a flowing high-to-low action and a continental or Eastern grip, using a neutral or semi-open stance. As the ball approaches and you rotate your shoulders to your left, bring your racquet back above your left shoulder. Not a Team Sport. It also has a slightly lower margin for error than the kick serve, because it doesn't have as much top spin to make the ball dip into the service box. He knows like no other how to disrupt the opponents rhythm by using the slice in almost every rally or how to completely catch them off guard with a drop shot. However, your ability to control the point is tied heavily to executing an effective serve that keeps your opponent guessing and prevents them from establishing a rhythm. It is also the most commonly used shot when you are in a defensive position. This is basically a drop shot played at the start of a rally, so the same arguments set out in the previous paragraph apply. With the topspin, he forces Federer and other opponents to either be pushed too far backward or to take a risk and hit the ball extremely early. Thats because racquet head speed is required to create topspin. Most of the more adaptable players will also use the forehand slice for approach shots when necessary, although some are better at it than others. It is easier to control and creates a less predictable bounce with no pace for my opponents to work with. As a result, when the flat serve hits the court, it tends to bounce low and continue straight forward from where it lands in the court. Add to that the ability to hit your serve at different speeds to throw off your opponent, and you can begin to see why developing various types of serves can be such a huge advantage. Many pros, including the legendary Australian champion Ken Rosewall, used the slice backhand stroke as their only backhand. Grass is tough on the arm, though, because the ball hits the racquet with more speed, and more speed generally means more shock and torsion. When a slice shot bounces, the ball stays low, forcing your opponent ","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"

Slice, or backspin, causes the tennis ball to spin back toward the source of impact (you). They are something you should work on and get better at but in the end, are extremely fun to use. The major difference is that the racquet shouldn't be pointing straight up, at a 90-degree angle, like a bat. As your game improves, learning all three types of serves will allow you to compete at a higher level by bringing variety to your service game. Rookie Road may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site. The type of tennis court surface that you play on can have a major influence on how the game is played as well as on the effects of Tennis on your body. Just before you start your forward swing, raise the racquet head to shoulder height, open the face so that the hitting surface faces up, and produce slice by cutting under the ball with a long, smooth stroke. Your email address will not be published. Rallying. If youre short, the flat serve is more challenging to execute because you have less clearance over the net, which reduces your margin of error. This will allow you to hit the ball with a slicing action. Since a big flat serve has a lower margin for error, its worth being thoughtful when you choose to use it. Lets take a look at some of the details that will help ensure you can hit a great flat serve. When executing a tennis slice, the player will swing downward in a slicing motion, angling the racket anywhere between fully flat and entirely diagonal.When the racket and the ball make contact, the racket should be continuously moving in a direction close to perpendicular to the ball. To achieve this, play the return rather like a volley, with a continental or Eastern grip, a short take-back and a punchy, high-to-low action. Wrist strains. Advantages of a Tennis Slice But knowing how to use the topspin to your game (strategy) has its advantages: Basically, you hit the slice backhand just as you would hit your standard backhand (both one-handed and two-handed backhands), changing only the following things about your stroke: 1. Defensive Lob. Swing forward with a high-to-low motion.


Release the racquet with your left hand as you do this. Stand quite close to the table, an arms length away.

Michael Kernicki is currently the Head Professional at the Indian Creek Country Club in Miami Beach.
