how to edit moving time on strava

Click on the link directly below your current distance listed on the activity details page, where it says Distance (?) A new file that looks like it has a zipper on it will appear in the same location, and you can upload that to my tool. These can only be embedded in FIT files, so they will be grayed-out if you select GPX or TCX as your output type. **If you embed an activity type in GPX or TCX and send to Strava, please know that Strava MAY NOT detect it correctly. Find out . **IF THIS DOESN'T WORK, PLEASE CONTACT ME AND I WILL HELP YOU - EVEN WITH EXTRA BIG FILES. Press J to jump to the feed. Sometimes, you need to add timestamps to GPS files. Strava is a great fitness tracking platform, however, sometimes due to human errors or technical glitches, it can record activities inaccurately. On a Mac:Highlight all of the files that you want to upload (to highlight multiple files, use the shift key while selecting, or use the command key and click on individual files). For the mountain bike, use this tool to increase the reported power by "1.029%" (I got that number because 175mm cranks are 1.029% longer than 170mm cranks). Swap your distance stream to remove any outlier points from the device recording and rely on the GPS data instead. online gpx editor online gpx viewer edit gpx files online view gpx files online merge gpx files online extract segments gpx file online reverse gpx file online This will open a new page where you can make changes to the activity. So you can toggle the ride type back once you're done reviewing if it matters to you. **If there are not any distance streams in any of your files, this option will be grayed out. If you have trouble uploading the resulting file to a 3rd party site, try the "Remove Duplicate Trackpoints" option (first option) instead. Inserting Missing GPS TracksRight now, this tool does NOT add new points - you can only move existing points. Note that you can override the values if you see fit. To avoid surprises, you will probably want to check the ascent boxes. If you upload a FIT file, it should have both of these numbers, and it will match up the GPS name with the numbers/names that I have entered in my growing database (see next paragraph for discussion on this). Or simply click on the map by zooming in and out. Based on your heart rate, perceived exertion or power. So, if you include ALL of the track points, you're going to get a data value in one second, and a zero value in the same second. The second option is to Keep All Trackpoints. That is because cropping is an irreversible phenomenon on Strava and it cant be undone at any cost. It happens sometimes that Strava doesnt record the whole distance of your activity due to some technical glitches or GPS issues. Using the default settings, if the time between points is more than 10 minutes AND the distance between points is more than five miles, when you check this box, the accumulated distance will be removed from the TCX file. GOTOES CSV FormatI've developed a simple CSV format for FIT Files exported from GOTOES|Strava Tools. That calculation happens between each individual trackpoint. 2. The purpose of this tool is to repair rides so you can get the map and the mileage that you did when your GPS bugged out. If you scroll to the right in the CSV output, you will see that I have column headers for all of the currently available Garmin "Record" fields. ), Following that, a confirmation popup will appear. Override Total Ascent If you trust your laps - and they already have embedded distance, check this box and the distances in your laps will not be changed when recalculating the total distance in the file. This only applies to TCX and FIT because GPX does not support accumulated distance. Examples of position-less files are turbo rides, trainer rides, treadmill runs, pool swims, and indoor activities. For example, if I tell Strava that the user has a 'Garmin Fenix 6X Sapphire', Strava is simplifying their database and only showing 'Garmin Fenix'. Although, you can follow these same steps on your phones browser. ); Time, Moving time and Elapsed time: Elapsed time is the total from from the second you pressed start till the last time you press stop before saving. PSA: This is how you make Strava show elapsed time per mile - reddit Something has changed but I can't really say what it is. It seems there is no way to change the elapsed time. I rode the route and my activity shows 2:52:47 moving time. If you check this box, the tool will take the start time you selected and put it on the LAST track point as opposed to the first track point. This early-access feature is only available to my Donation Supporters. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Strava will ask you if you want to give us permission to make uploads on your behalf. It will then calculate the difference in time between the time you supplied and the time provided in the track. I do not recommend you select this option unless Strava is mis-reporting your average speed or elapsed time. I just take my moving time with a grain of salt and don't worry about it. Below, see an example of what an MTB ride with embedded stats looks like when sent to Strava: These are special Garmin Fields that describe the nature of your mountain bike ride. 2. Author, speaker, filmmaker. accumulated_power, left_right_balance, vertical_oscillation, stance_time_percent, stance_time, left_torque_effectiveness, right_torque_effectiveness, left_pedal_smoothness, right_pedal_smoothness, fractional_cadence, total_hemoglobin_conc, saturated_hemoglobin_percent, left_pco, right_pco, left_power_phase, left_power_phase_peak, right_power_phase, right_power_phase_peak, performance_condition, enhanced_respiration_rate, grit, flow, potential, stamina. If interpolation is successful, then the checkbox will be grayed out. Strava will be forced to calculate your total ascent based on the DEM, there are some errors in their database where the wrong GPS is identified, Strava may decide to calculate your total ascent based on the DEM, non-standard way to transmit the GPS name information. (opens new window), I have an issue with my Stryd FileFiles from Garmin Devices with Connect IQ fields enabled seem to work well. Now, select the activity that you want to edit. I am trying to think of an easy way to reverse the track and get the start time reversed, but for most applications, this should be good for now. Getting a device added to the list:There is no public list of the IDs, so I'm building it as we go along. Replace your current location with Los Angeles > Save > Refresh Page. The GPS files all use a time called UTC - which is the time at the Prime Meridian (remember that from gradeschool?). Either way, we need to decide how to deal with the overlap. What are Extra Fields?Garmin has many types of fields that can be stored in a FIT file. Has anyone else seen such a massive difference between the tracking device/app and Strava? On your profile, you'll see your average distance per week and your average time per week based on your last 4 weeks of activities. As I ride more will Stravas estimated moving time become more accurate (assuming I ride at similar pace, etc). If you do not select to use the elevation when calculating speed, the tool just takes a simple distance over time calcuation to produce a speed. If you use the crop option, then you can just edit the start and endpoint of the activity to make your recorded distance more accurate. This will affect the speed sent to the output file. Maybe showing a notification is considered "using the app". In case you are using the Strava app for recording, go to Settings and turn off Auto Pause. If you do not want other athletes to see your activities that appear in Flybys, you can choose to opt-out of this feature entirely. They are not perfect, but I have attempted to make them as realistic as possible. If you upload a TCX file, it only has the Product ID - not the MFR ID. Anything you enter in that field will take precedence over any other option. Note that Strava may NOT recognize your GPS type in GPX files (they no longer maintain the GPX database). Now you can also Ignore Big Gaps. I know Strava uses a difference calculation to Garmin and their moving time doesn't take into. If both of these conditions are true, you will be able to see the "Make a Fake Track" box. A user approached me about files that he was uploading to the Rouvy Virtual Cycling App. DIRECT FROM STRAVA: I have repaired many, but cannot guarantee that your files will be repairable. If you select this option, and your overlapping files both have the exact same time-stamp, BOTH timestamps will be included in the file along with their associated values. how to edit moving time on strava - It's the last chance for people to Tima-Move and put themselves in the running for a brand new e-bike. How To Know If Your Phone Is Being Tracked? Notes: This field is only abailable for FIT exports; it will be grayed out if you selected GPX or TCX in the "Output File Format" field. Similarly, I tried to make the run calculations as realistic as possible - but terrain can really influence your actual speed on the trail. In July I did a run where Time in GC is Moving Time in Strava:, In April it was the same, GC Time = Strava Moving Time:, In May I did one of the few races I've done this year and for a race and I hope GC Elapsed Time is Strava Elapsed Time (for a race Strava labels it Elapsed Time):, So far so good and I think that it all makes sense, from my point of view Garmin Moving Time should be ignored since it isn't reliable and for a race it is from start to finnish no matter what you did on the way. Otherwise, if you're using a real device in a real world situation, then this option isn't necessary. In order to be accepted as a course, some GPS models need to have time stamps as part of the GPX file. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It's Google's first actual smartwatch. Override Total Distance If you find that your moving time is much less than your elapsed time, make sure that you select the "Interpolate Tracks (Add Points)" option, which appears on the next page. Route Estimated Moving Time : r/Strava - reddit If you check the "No" option, the tool will spit out a track that is nearly a flat line in terms of speed. Now your mile times for that run will be displayed in elapsed time instead of moving time which cuts out any stops. But sadly, you cant do that. Jump CountIf there are jumps in a file, they are all automatically selected to be included in the final output file. Strava knows if an activity was indoors or outdoors based on the simple fact of whether or not it has a map. Question about Strava Moving Time vs. Total Time On a Segment And thankfully, Strava gives you the authority to edit or change the distance manually. Note that your downhill speeds might be higher than is realistic for windy roads or off road rides. Editing PointsA practical use for this feature is a situation where your GPS recorded a spurious point. Thanks! Select the pencil icon on the left-hand side. The first time, you will need to click the "Connect With Strava" button. How To Edit Or Change Distance In Strava Manually Let's say you want to combine two rides with a ferry ride in the middle - but do not want the ferry ride distance to show on Strava. We take that average to estimate your moving time for the route. If you select these options AND you select to include laps, you MIGHT lose some of your laps. **If you choose to ignore gaps of as little as 2 seconds or 10 seconds, you can effectively add fine granularity of stopped time to your activity. The only difference between that run, and the one in July is that I used a Stryd Foot Pod but that shouldn't impact the timer, only distance and speed. Good luck. Ankit is a tech enthusiast and loves to write. Strava's tracking is often quite bad. TCX files: Unlike GPX files which are strictly position based (they were invented for tracking location), the TCX file format was designed more for workouts, allowing for Heart Rate, Cadence, Power WITHOUT position being required. Post the activity. Everything you import into this tool is ordered by the UTC time stamp. The total ascent in your final Strava upload will be the sum of all the Ascent Streams that you have checked. When you do that, you will see a map and a table with all of your points. Trigger. What is the gray number in this box? **If you donated via Paypal before December 18, 2020, please use the contact link and write me with the PayPal email address you used to donate so I can send you a code for full-access to early-release features. Edit - bought April this year. Today we're going to talk about why e-bikes are so great, the best way to use Strava with an e-bike, and lastly, chat with Mona and Erika, both Strava employees and e-bike enthusiasts. Exporting as FIT will address the bug in Strava where a few GPS types aren't displayed properly. Terrible idea, going from running 15k per week to 21k in one go. Spring Ahead Time Change 2023: Is Daylight Saving Time ending and how I have been in contact with Strava to ask them to fix it, but only recieved automated replies so far. If you enter a number in this field, that is what will show on your Strava feed for the activity. If the time stamp is within a minute or two of an activity that you have already uploaded to Strava, the activity will be considered duplicate. 1. On the far right, the speed smoothing algorithm will look at the 20 flanking points. FTP Target Range Strava will detect when you are resting and will automatically pause your run. This phenomenon is known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or EPOC. Sometimes, you will have to try more than once to "trick" Strava into accepting a duplicate file - EVEN IF YOU HAVE THIS BOX CHECKED. If you have ever used Zwift, you may notice that this application generates a fake map (sometimes in the South Pacific over a random island). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, GPX files: Strava accepts a special type of GPX file format that allows us to embed power, cadence, heart rate, and temperature info. Problem solved and "avg pace" also gets fixed. Enter your correct location > Save > Refresh Page. A few dial and bezel variants out there too, very, very cool. They quantify the difficulty of the terrain and how well you rode it. : This may be intentional if you're using two devices on a trainer (for example). Why more snow might be a good thing:Is warm the new norm?How a lack of snowfall in Delaware is . If you'd like Strava to address this moving time issue, consider voting and commenting on these two support issues:, Sometimes, that can effectively repair your FIT / TCX / GPX file and rescue it for upload. Don't cheat! Select the three-dot menu icon on the left and select Split. IMPORTANTLaps can only be stored inside of TCX and FIT files. Recently I did a run where none of the Garmin Connect time fields equals Strava: This is because GPX files do not have a total ascent field. I tried this with two Garmin GPS units running at the same time, and I found that the losses did not affect the final recording in a big way. Dec 2021 - Present1 year 4 months. Also note that Strava will be forced to calculate your total ascent based on the DEM. Runners who run in urban settings (that stop often at intersections) will likely see this improvement the most. Every single Strava field (power, cadence, temperature, etc.) (opens new window). If you ever lose access to these features, please go back to the link you recieved when you signed up (or to the welcome message) and you can re-unlock the bonus features. I have a much more detailed discussion on the forum here. Easy is easy is easy. Websites like Garmin Connect require distance, so don't choose this if you upload to a website other than Strava.Calculate DistanceThe tool will calculate the distance between every single point in your GPS file. All the way to the left, it averages 1 point, which technically is no averaging at all! This will confuse software (such as Garmin Connect), and you likely won't see any data for the "extra data" fields in the graphs. If there are hills, and you specify 20mph, you will be climbing the hills at 20mph. Moreover, they only contain data if you have additional sensors connected such as power meter pedals (that can record left/right balance) or running devices that measure vertical oscillation. If there aren't any time stamps in your file, it is impossible to shift them all differentially. If you check multiple distance streams, you will get very strange results! Your CSV File can be either comma or tab delimted. In 2023, the clocks have to change on March 12 at 2: . Weather data from around the route for time and locations. The idea is that in the future, you will be able to make edits to various fields in your favorite spreadsheet program, re-upload the CSV to my tools - and export a FIT file that is ready for Strava or Garmin Connect. Trash any points that look wrong. I don't want anyone to get those error codes (500 Server error) caused by an overloaded server! Open Google's timeline at then click Today and see how your ride path was - if its no good then give up here. Finally, you can use this tool to "recreate" an activity that was lost by your GPS. Repeat the same process for Strava as well. So last night I somehow managed to run my first half marathon. Browse to this utility. When you do a "Time Shift", you are effectively, moving the start and stop time of your activity entirely. Then, enter any address or GPS coordinates you desire. On the next page, select the number of activities you want to create out of the original activity; the maximum being 3 parts. More than 160 people have clocked up more than 174 hours over 301 activities over the past few weeks. That is usually what people are most interested in. Strava will instead calculate your distance based on the GPS points in the file. Solution: When you upload or edit the activity in Strava, select the Run Type of "Race" instead of Run, Long Run, or Workout. I find that many people are not aware that they can repair their tracks. Range is from negative 100 percent to positive 100 percent (+100% will double your power). Privacy Policy. LapsInserting Laps is a little tricky when you merge files. Strava went on to confirm it is moving to consistent pricing by country, meaning all users in one nation pay the same monthly or annual price.

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how to edit moving time on strava