list of dictatorship countries

W; Alphabetical list of countries; Alphabetical list of countries. These movements supported pan-Arab Nasserism during most of the Cold War, but they were largely replaced by Islamic nationalism by the 1980s. Therefore, it is impossible to know if the regime is a democracy or a dictatorship, so DD Index considers them dictatorships until an alternation in power occurs. Current dictatorships include Russia, Equatorial New Guinea, and North Korea. [according to whom? In oligarchies, the threat of a military coup comes from the strength of the military weighed against the concessions made to the military. [50] Monarchies allow for strict rules of succession that produce a peaceful transfer of power on the monarch's death, but this can also result in succession disputes if multiple members of the royal family claim a right to succeed. [119][120][121][122], Most dictatorships exist in countries with high levels of poverty. [22], Military dictatorships are typically formed by a military coup in which senior officers use the military to overthrow the government. Democracy - Our World in Data The rights of the people are typically suppressed in a dictatorship, sometimes to a great degree. [84] Other nationalist movements in Europe established dictatorships based on the fascist model. Other countries with dictatorships and authoritarian rule, such as Cuba, Syria, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Belarus, could also be considered totalitarian governments. The methodology is derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, regardless of geopolitical, geographic, ethnic or religious considerations. [68] The Spanish American wars of independence took place in the early-19th century, creating many new Latin American governments. This was replaced by a trend of developing a positive public image to maintain support among the populace and moderating rhetoric to integrate with the global community. Dictatorships are authoritarian or totalitarian and can be classified as military dictatorships, one-party dictatorships, personalist dictatorships, or absolute monarchies. The Countries with Dictatorships in the Modern World As of 2020, there are 52 nations with a dictator or authoritarian regime ruling the country: Three in Latin America and South America, 27 in Asia and the Middle East, and 22 in Africa. The 2010 version of Polity data series covers 189 countries from 1800 to 2009. African Dictators [114] The countries of Central Asia did not liberalize after the fall of the Soviet Union, instead forming as dictatorships led by former elites of the Communist Party and then later by successive dictators. [73], The first communist state was created by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks with the establishment of Soviet Russia during the Russian Revolution in 1917. Dictatorships seem much more extreme and unethical to people who enjoy the privilege of an outside perspective. These nationalist movements supported non-alignment, keeping most Middle Eastern dictatorships out of the American and Soviet spheres of influence. [126] In particular, censorship by dictatorships helps solidify claims of legitimacy and marginalize the voices of opposition critics. Venezuela has a presidential government. If the head of state is popularly elected for a fixed term then, the democracy is mixed or semi-presidential. [100] Josip Broz Tito declared a communist government in Yugoslavia during World War II, which was initially aligned with the Soviet Union. [124], The type of economy in a dictatorship can affect how it functions. This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 12:26. Which countries have dictatorship government? - Sage-Answers [8], Totalitarianism is a variation of dictatorship characterized by the presence of a single political party and more specifically, by a powerful leader who imposes personal and political prominence. Monarchies: 3. Latin American Dictators - Leaders in Complete Control - ThoughtCo [13] After power is seized, the group must determine what positions its members will hold in the new government and how this government will operate, sometimes resulting in disagreements that split the group. Dictators are usually backed (especially financially) by groups of powerful people. Latin America's new generation of dictators. Dictatorship: What It Is, Types, Characteristics And Examples [67] In Europe it was often thought of in terms of Bonapartism and Caesarism, with the former describing the military rule of Napoleon and the latter describing the imperial rule of Napoleon III in the vein of Julius Caesar. [107] The development of the internet and digital communication in the 21st century have prompted dictatorships to shift from traditional means of control to digital ones, including the use of artificial intelligence to analyze mass communications, internet censorship to restrict the flow of information, and troll farms to manipulate public opinion. Infamous dictators of the world are often thought of as tyrants - leaders who rule with iron fists, cruelty, unflinching authority, and a lack of opposition. [3] Elites must also compete to wield more power than one another, but the amount of power held by elites also depends on their unity. The name a democracy gives itself or its office does not indicate what type of democracy it is. Syria - Well, it depends. The Modern World's Dictatorship Countries African Dictators A Global View of Dictators Is China a dictatorship? Political culture: 5.00. Stability in a dictatorship is maintained through coercion and political repression, which involves the restriction of access to information, the tracking of the political opposition, and acts of violence. Though the most recent data set is only updated for 2008, there is planning by Cheibub to update it to the . Epidemic of First World War After the first world war, countries got disturbed to conduct democratic governments and managements. Countries which under military dictatorship right now [25], One-party dictatorships are governments in which a single political party dominates politics. Accused of crimes against humanity, Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death in 2006. The legislature must be popularly elected. They are not even defined terms of art within political science. Argentina and Mexico are the countries with Dictatorship as a government form. If it is, then a further distinction is made between democracies where the head of state is popularly elected and those where the head of state is not popularly elected. The power structures of dictatorships vary, and different definitions of dictatorship consider different elements of this structure. [72] The societal upheaval caused by World War I and the unstable peace it produced further contributed to instability that benefited extremist movements and rallied support for their causes. This is thanks to an oil boom that enriched his family at the expense of the Equatorial Guinea citizens. There are currently 22 dictators in Africa, some worse than others. Dominant-party dictatorships or electoral authoritarian dictatorships are one-party dictatorships in which opposition parties are nominally legal but cannot meaningfully influence government. As of early 2022, the countries of Afghanistan, Eritrea, North Korea, and Turkmenistan are the only nations in the world whose governments are generally considered to be totalitarian dictatorships. in Turkey, Kamal Pasha, established his dictatorship in 1921 and he remained in power till his death in 1938. The phrase "fixed term" indicates the once the head of state is chosen, they serve a known and a limited number of years before another election is held, and they cannot be removed from the office in the meantime via a vote of no confidence. Here are fifteen of the worst dictators from the 20 th century and what makes them stand out for censure. [138] A study found that dictatorships that engage in oil drilling are more likely to remain in power, with 70.63% of the dictators who engage in oil drilling still being in power after 5 years of dictatorship, while only 59.92% of the non-oil producing dictators survive the first 5 years. Stability can be weakened when opposition groups grow and unify or when elites are not loyal to the regime. He arose to power in Italy in 1922, following the so-called 'March on Rome', in which his . Some of the most famous dictators in history include, of course, Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Nazi Germany from 1933-1945, Benito Mussolini, ruler of fascist Italy from 1922-1945, and Joseph Stalin,. [26] Ruling parties in one-party dictatorships are distinct from political parties that were created to serve a dictator in that the ruling party in a one-party dictatorship permeates every level of society. Kim Il-Sung The first leader of the North Korean dictatorship from 1948 until 1994, he established North Korea as a communist state. Political participation: 2.22. [15] If the dictator has not seized power through a political party, then a party may be formed as a mechanism to reward supporters and to concentrate power in the hands of political allies instead of militant allies. [49] In an absolute monarchy, power is limited to the royal family, and legitimacy is established by historical factors. Charles Taylor Country: Liberia Charles McArthur Ghanakay Taylor's life story is akin to that of a movie. [8]:457 Elected heads of state are usually referred to as "president." Dictatorship Countries 2022 - World Populace Van den Bosch, Jeroen J. J., Personalist Rule in Africa and Other World Regions, (London-New York: Routledge, 2021): 13-16, wave of left-wing revolutionary movements, List of countries by system of government, "Review: Totalitarianism, Social Science, and the Margins", "Generals, Dictators, and Kings: Authoritarian Regimes and Civil Conflict, 19732004", "Elites, Single Parties and Political Decision-making in Fascist-era Dictatorships", "Theories of dictatorships: sub-types and explanations", "Personalization of Power and Repression in Dictatorships", "The Tyranny of Dictatorship: When the Greek Tyrant Met the Roman Dictator", "The Five Ancient Criteria of Democracy: The Apotheosis of Equality", "When was the title Dictator perpetuus given to Caesar? [127], Indoctrination is the inculcation of citizens on specific values and ideas beneficial to the dictatorships needs and desires. It was initially aligned with Yugoslavia, but its alignment shifted throughout the Cold War between Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, and China. His economic plans have been praised by leaders like Kemal Pasha. The required majority needed to remove the sitting government varies between countries but is termed a vote of no confidence. Explore a few of the famous ones. Since the Korean War, North Korea has been ruled by a series of autocratic leaders. Cuba - Dictatorship 5. Uganda. Nations with a legacy of military dictatorship (s) In Africa Algeria (1965-1994) Burkina Faso (1966-1991) Burundi (1966-1993) Central African Republic (1966-1993) Chad (1975-1991) Congo-Brazzaville (1968-1992) Equatorial Guinea (1968-1982) Ethiopia (1974-1991) Gambia, The (1994-1997) Guinea (1984-1991) Ghana (1966-1969; 1972-1979; 1981-1993) What Are the Pros and Cons of Dictatorship? - His wealth is estimated to be approximately $600 million. Therefore, the entire country operates on the whims of that one person. [85] After being defeated in World War II, the far-right dictatorships of Europe collapsed, with the exceptions of Spain and Portugal. A dictatorship is an authoritarian structure of government. Those against dictatorship say personal rights are severely restricted, the system is generally based on force and violence, and it demands complete obedience. Dictators are incentivized to avoid the use of violence once a reputation of violence is established, as it damages the dictatorship's other institutions and poses a threat to the dictator's rule should government forces become disloyal. This violence is frequently exercised through institutions such as military or police forces. [32], One-party dictatorships became prominent in Asia and Eastern Europe during the Cold War as communist governments were installed in several countries. [108], Dictatorship in Europe largely ended after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the liberalization of most communist states. Repression can encompass actual or threatened physical violence such as arrests, assassinations, torture, beatings, disappearances, mass killings, and forced exile. But by 1995, all the countries in the region, with the notable . Democracy is broadly understood to mean 'rule by the people'. The dictatorship was revived 120 years later by Sulla after his crushing of a populist movement, and 33 years after that by Julius Caesar. Dictatorships suffer from an obvious and significant imbalance of power. Dictatorships have arisen throughout history, usually in times of crisis. [1] Its capital and most populous city is Algiers. Members of the group will typically make up the elites in a dictator's inner circle at the beginning of a new dictatorship, though the dictator may remove them as a means to gain additional power. Political scientists such as Juan Jos Linz and Samuel P. Huntington identify key attributes that define the power structure of a dictatorship, including a single leader or a small group of leaders, the exercise of power with few limitations, limited political pluralism, and limited mass mobilization. Secret police are used to gather information about specific political opponents and carry out targeted acts of violence against them, paramilitary forces defend the regime from coups, and formal militaries defend the dictatorship during foreign invasions and major civil conflicts. He was a German legislator, organizer of Nazi party and furthermore filled in as Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945. [7] The opposition can be an external group, or it can also include current and former members of the dictator's inner circle. US Provides Military Assistance to 73 Percent of World's Dictatorships The 10 most capitalist nations in the world Samantha Menzies 22 February 2016, 7:39 pm The 10 most capitalist nations in the world Capitalism is thriving in many parts of the world, with the list. Democracies are classified by the rules in which executives can be appointed or removed and can be either presidential, mixed or semi-presidential, or parliamentary. Russia is a federal semi-presidential republic and an oligarchy. Marxist one-party states are sometimes distinguished from other one-party states, but they function similarly. Benito Mussolini was the first generally recognised fascist leader. The DD dataset covers the annual data points of 199 countries from 1946 (or date of independence) to 2008. The deadliest dictatorships are discussed below. [1]:71. Several dictatorships have persisted into the 21st century, particularly in Africa and Asia. [4] Though the most recent data set is only updated for 2008, there is planning by Cheibub to update it to the present year. The first distinction made is whether a country has a government has legislative responsibility, i.e. Despite repeated promises to leave office in 2024 (when his term limit is reached), Putin spearheaded a 2020 constitutional amendment enabling him to remain in power until 2036. Most of them are characterized by a single leader with either no party or one that is weak. This is understandable, as the terms are very similar. Zimbabwe - 1980 to present - Robert Mugabe. [8]:454 The government composes the chief executive and the heads of the executive departments. There are many countries that can be considered dictatorships, including North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. [98], During World War II, many countries of Central and Eastern Europe had been occupied by the Soviet Union. [19], Military dictatorships are regimes in which military officers hold power, determine who will lead the country, and exercise influence over policy. [16], Most dictatorships are formed through military means or through a political party. In some cases, nations may have multiple ruling bodies or government types, meaning they're not exclusively countries that are governed by dictatorships. [8]:455 Some countries (such as Spain, Belgium, Germany, and Israel) require that the vote of no confidence also specify who is going to replace the sitting government to minimize the time without an interim government, essentially replacing one government with another. Political control is any tactic through which the state seeks to gain compliance from society. Socialism Requires a Dictator - Foundation for Economic Education In fact, you may devise any chart you like concerning politics or anything else and label left and right however you choose. Here is a list of the ten worst dictators that Africans have ever seen in their history. One of the reasons for this is the fact that the military often has more cohesion and institutional structure than most of the civilian institutions of society. [8]:456. [56] At least 85 such dictators were chosen over the course of the Roman Republic, the last of which was chosen to wage the Second Punic War. [8]:455 Sometimes sitting governments will attach a vote of no confidence clause to a piece of legislation they want passed, effectively tying the survival of the government on the piece of legislation. Perhaps someday some of these modern dictatorships will cast off their dictators and embrace a more democratic and inclusive form of government. 10. 10. Parliamentary democracy is the same as semi-presidential but has heads of state which are not popularly elected for a fixed term, typically either monarchs or officials not chosen by popular elections. What is a Dictatorship? Examples and Characteristics - Under this system, there are three types of dictatorships. In the 19th century, settlers slowly and hesitantly began to establish themselves in. This type of vote is termed a constructive vote of no confidence. Many of these governments fell under the control of caudillos, or personalist dictators. To enact policy, a dictator must either appease the regime's elites or attempt to replace them. [107] Dictatorships are often recipients of foreign aid on the condition that they make advances toward democratization. 15 Countries with Dictatorships Today (Or on Their Way to Dictatorships Other factors associated with military coups include extensive natural resources, limited use of the military internationally, and use of the military as an oppressive force domestically. Types. Some of the multi-party states with governing communist parties include Brazil, Nepal, India, and Russia. [43] This idea references the heavy reliance on repression of the public in order to stay in power, which creates incentives for all constituents to falsify their preferences, which does not allow for the dictator to know the genuine popular beliefs or his realistic measure of societal support. When the war ended, these countries were incorporated into the Soviet sphere of influence, and the Soviet Union exercised control over their governments. Dictatorship - Definition, Examples, Cases, Processes - Legal Dictionary [64][65][66], Dictatorship developed as a major form of government in the 19th century, though the concept was not universally seen pejoratively at the time, with both a tyrannical concept and a quasi-constitutional concept of dictatorship understood to exist. Whether or not Putin is a dictator is a matter of some debate. Power is enforced through a steadfast collaboration between the government and a highly developed ideology. Binary measure of democracy and dictatorship, Six-fold regime classification scheme and its rules, Comparison with other democracy-measuring data sets, Studies in Comparative International Development, "Minimalist Conception of Democracy: A Defense", Przeworski, Alvarez, Cheibub, and Limongi: Democracy and development,, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from February 2023, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from January 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Afghanistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country located within South Asia and Central Asia. [1]:68 The figures at the left show the results in 1988 and 2008. The earliest military dictatorships developed in the post-classical era, particularly in Shogun-era Japan and in England under Cromwell. Those who believe that he is a dictator argue that he imprisons his opponents, removed freedom of speechthe press can only publish what he allows them toand has restructured the government to give himself more and longer-lasting power. Like the two individuals above, Imelda Marcos gained her power through being the wife of a military dictator. Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, and Palestine are the only democratic nations in the region, with Israel being the only nation in this region that affords broad political liberties to its citizens. Another controversial dictator is General Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006) of Chile. Monarchies may be dynastic, in which the royal family serves as a ruling institution similar to a political party in a one-party state, or they may be non-dynastic, in which the monarch rules independently of the royal family as a personalist dictator. Democracy-Dictatorship (DD), index of democracy and dictatorship or simply the DD index or the DD datasets was the binary measure of democracy and dictatorship first proposed by Adam Przeworski et al. In democracies, the threat of a military coup is associated with the period immediately after a democracy's creation but prior to large-scale military reforms. The Deadliest Dictator Regimes In History - WorldAtlas They are more likely to end in violence and less likely to democratize than other forms of dictatorship. Dictatorships that fail to repress the opposition are susceptible to collapse through a coup or a revolution. Current Heads of State & Dictators - Planet Rulers, President Faustin Archange Touadera of the, President Flix Tshilombo Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, President Denis Sassou Nguesso of the Republic of the Congo, President Teodoro Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea, President Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman Burhan of. Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) Pol Pot (1925-1998) Heinrich Himmler (1900-1945) Saddam Hussein (1937-2006) Idi Amin (1952-2003) Is Venezuela a dictatorship? The military takes control of the country (usually through a direct coup), installs the dictator of its choosing (typically the highest-ranking military officer), and uses force of arms to preserve its power.

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list of dictatorship countries

list of dictatorship countries

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list of dictatorship countries