my husband left me because he was unhappy

Do you really want to be married to a women thats flashing her goods to the world wide web???? (2009). I lost my dad a few years ago. But remember it has very little to do with you and everything to do with them. Please know that you are always free to consult with a different therapist if you feel that your current therapist is unable to meet your needs. My ex mistress got me arrested and the charges were dismissed by he stood by her as if I was wrong the judge agreed with me though I was telling the truth. We went from 4 to 2 overnight in the household. And our fights now revolve around not having sex. Its just so odd. After all Ive been through I have not given up and please do not either. .. A few days ago out of the blue he said he wants to split up. This order is supposed to save lives not ruin them. Let them go find their happiness now, it sounds like its time or rather soon. My boyfriend of 24 yrs left me and our kids two months ago, we have two daughters that live with us one is 22yrs old and the other one is 23 yrs old and she is terminal ill who needs 24 hr care. We have some communication issues to work on (as well as emotional maturity on my partner's side), but otherwise it's functional and I'm mostly happy . Your partner felt ignored and unappreciated. I am going to visit my parents and I will be back. I dont know what to do. When seen through anyone else's lens, she's beautiful. About a month ago, I separated from him because I did not feel like he actually loved me. I will follow this for now. It caused me to have a heart attack, literally. Of your. A girl who is blinded by love. For 20 years of birthdays and Christmass And everything we built I got a garbage bag of clothes. She and I know the marriage was no longer a marriage and to carry on would be a sham. He has always been a terrific father. Just pity those who fall for his charm in believing in him its only a matter of time before they will find how false he is . Now my husband wants me back. I cant stop crying but dont know what to think. Our two oldest sons, fifteen and nineteen are going to live with him. This isnt him. I think he is waiting to see about this house he is looking at. I encourage you to read up on personality disorders: maybe its the same with your husband. Please fill out all required fields to submit your message. Thanks All rights reserved. "I don't like your hair that way." "You shouldn't have . Then we just decided to move. These are really dated terms. Sometimes youve got to just let it go. Any of these reasons could be applied to either partner in a relationship. I did everything I could with her and for her and for us with the hope, the dream that we would be together the rest of our lives. Maybe tomorrow I will feel better, thats what I keep thinking & one of these times I will. At this time he professed his love for me and wanted to work things out. You will be fine. She has lied to them and been found out. What happened will always be reality for us and you will n shall strong and healthy for your children and yourself. I DONT believe it and im so hurt, now im struggling to go on and when i think of what my kids will go through it breaks my heart..I simply cant envision my future without him..but i must. As woman we must always trust our gut, I wish I had so many times. Nathan, thats terrible she left you & your kids. Scripture adds. DEAR ABBY: I live with my longtime boyfriend, "George," and his 88-year-old father, "Frank." Frank is not your average 88-year-old. The most difficult is the roommate or as you noted, sibling-like Relationship. I am in therapy because of my anger towards her because of all the things she did to hurt our family. It double complicates the matter when youre a Christian, because the Bible says, Whom God has put together, let man not separate. betrayal and lies are very tough, especially if you never get to address things, and never have real closure. My husbands sister just got served with divorce papers today We started dating young and it was really a fairytale relationship. I genuinely believe she has and will continue to put the children in even remote danger by having what I would consider strangers move into their place. It often boils down to one partner no longer filling a perceived need of the other partner. Here's expert intel on why you mightve been ghosted plus what to do about it. Im not saying to use self-help books as a magic pill that will solve all your problems. He told me that mom was sucking on a can while they were on their way to pick up his friend for soccer practice and she was having a problem driving and stoped abruptly in subdivision well she was what learned later what is called huffing a can/ bottle of butane. From this list you can click to view our members full profiles and contact the therapists themselves for more information. I have recently been told by my wife that she is divorcing me. I have to do some procedures for possible breast cancer and I need to get my insurance going. Im now in a great place but I still have difficult moments and difficult days, specifically when it comes to parenting alone or finding things to do on the weekends. Its been six months and I dont feel like at any more peace and someways irs worse than before. Since than we had a very bad fight only one day after my 40th birthday and l havent heard from him scence. She has recently gone for hikes with her husband, meets him at the gym for game of squash, goes to theatre shows with him and their girls. They will keep you occupied to not think about how bad you feel, at least some of the time. My case is not the only abuse of this restraining order trick. And if you talk to them about it, they might be able to help you get through it faster. Youre an excellent father and she should be happy to have you. I just dont want to give up because I feel like she is my other half I feel like she is the only one for me.. For his mothers birthday I baked and cooked all night and day. Be selfish. We are in the office Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, and our phone number is 888-563-2112. and I dont know what to do. Ive just found out hes been messaging an ex alot but swears only messaging. If youve suffered anything like I have, youve probably been kicked to the dirt a time or two by your man. I hate to be blunt, but to me it sounds like she likes the best of both worlds. Cant eat or sleep, I feel depressed. I can easily get full custody of my kids since she has legal and immigration issues but I dont want to separate my kids from her. I would take a stand and approach this situation head on. since my 18 year old daughter has said she knew about these affairs as her friends had seen her mum out with other men she had asked her about this and been shouted down and told she was wrong the hurt she has caused is unforgiveable , as for the hurt to me I could not give a s*** but our kids I will never forgive moral off this is if you want out tell them take a chance the other one will want you dont lie dont cheat be honest and people will respect you , lie. 3. My kinds and I are are now stuck between the rock and a hard place.. 1. What is weird is that his girlfriend walked right beside him and participated in destroying another human through this whole process. He says he takes all bad things & works them for the good of those who believe. Refuses to consider the possibility that if she actually wanted this back she would have to at least remove 100% every single reminder to me, just like she did for him when she moved him into my bed so quick Im sure he still smelt my farts lol. . A cheater will only admit to what they think you already know and usually they wont divulge all the details. Everyone says time. My actually became a Judge in another County. During the summer he became distand and snappy with both myself and the girls, resulting in him going to work and coming . Good riddance this is over. I was willing and able to do what it took, but he was committed to the fact that it wouldnt work. "You're being ridiculous.". Ive lost my wife, best friend, kids as Im not in a state to see them and daily fatherly contCt. You can use our website to search for another therapist in your area by entering your ZIP code here: You might also consider discussing any concerns you might have with your therapist with that therapist directly. Im trying my hardest to not hate her for this, and I get that I havent been the greatest husband having working long distance and her being unemployed, but its the lack of fighting for it that hurts the most. Medical lot are checking daily but there is nothing I can do. Letting go of the past - especially a husband who left you for another woman - isn't about "getting over it.". Its these weekdays. Im devastated. We have been together for 9 no kids (thank God) she was my first love for everything, but things didnt work, and now she say she sees me like a friend That word has been gone for a long time. I have been married for 27 years and we dated for 4 years. I threw myself into my work to keep my mind occupied, and although I was present for my son Noah, I wasnt present in myself. I was so glad to finally have someone to love my first and only love that I stopped my destructive behaviours and together we were the quintessential happy young couple we were never great at sex, but for all other aspects of marriage even communication, we were as happy as good be. If he doesnt respond to ONE request, then get an annulment and move on. Same happen to me when my husband left me but with the great help of great mutaba my husband came back to me. Below, Borrello and other marriage therapists share the most common reasons men check out of their marriage and file for divorce. I want to move back to Florida and i just dont think its worth us fighting to save the marriage anymore. If they're doing so out of a passion for what they do, for instance, their work can increase their life satisfactioneven improving their satisfaction at home. Im sorry but she has a mind of her own and can make her own mind. Thats really hard. My wife did not return home from work last friday (now tuesday), my son nor i have heard from her since despite numerous texting, although she has told 2 other people she is ok, these people are strangers to me, I only found out via a third party. She was a self harmer and naturally negative person yet strong willed, firey, smart, impulsive and absolutely gorgeous. Do Saturday comes and she calls me. As the spouse of a narcissist, I need to be strong and educate . Dog depression is similar to the kind we as humans experience. Our childs third birthday shows up and its on a Saturday and filled with empty promises of a nice day with the kids. Thank u for replying. Cant sleep without sleeping pills or wine. Leave them alone. Like being inside of Hitlers mind. It is you used to do this , you used to do that. All was hunky dory but hes a moody sort and were back to I hate it the house, neighbourhood etc. Im still learning as I grow with Noah. We have two children together and 2 from my previous marriage. I think the worst part is I feel like Ive had my heart ripped out with no closure, as I was left no explanation to her leaving, and pieced over the night that she hadnt been being honest with me about what she had been doing, who shes been seeing etc. Anyway things bumbled along for about 2 years then her new best friend decided to came on to me which I thought was a joke at first as that sort of thing never happens to me (my wife is the pretty one). We made specific vows centered around this. Ive taken 2 sessions of therapy now as I was so devastated and one thing I was told is that Im not alone. My wife left me after 7.5 years. My wife and I have been together every day for 28 years.Married for 24 this Jan 1st and we lived together for 4 years. Problems arise when you leave the house early, barely speaking to or connecting with your wife before you dash out the door. I could not allow a man to make me feel less another second! The only thing I can figure is tha she is very broken. Luckily it isnt working and they can see his behaviour for what it is which makes him even more bitter and he subsequently blames everyone else for people not wanting anything to do with him. *the relationship feels like too much work. Ive been there and now Im free from his affairs. Im going to go cry some more before he comes home to dump me over dinner. The Team is not qualified to offer professional advice, but we encourage you to reach out. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how Dr.Mack have helped a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell . They are in love apparently and plan on living together and getting married down the road. And she doesnt. Rachel, you are the exact same age as me and my husband is the same age as yours. The devil has taken him or her over but it is up to you to be the bigger person and fight through it. He says she cant stop him seeing me but I think she will. Sadly we lost him which was devastating then two weeks later got married (already planned) then quickly found out we had a daughter on the way. My husband went away on a trip with a friend and came back depressed and unhappy with his life. I had no idea she had been this unhappy for such a long time. In hind site, probably too much. Whats the toughest part is she just stopped communication totally. 7 Things You Should Never Expect From a Narcissistic Husband How can somewhon do that to a spouse that has done nothing other than give them all the love and compassion,loyalty,feelings,and commitment for life. Megan. "I can't please you. And I am 129 lbs 5-4, & socially bi resulting from his pillow talk request, so he has had many fantasies come true. :), I am retired navy vet and I read. My fianc and I live far away from each other and maybe see each other every other weekend. I must be strong. They may be confused. Finally she calls when she is halfway there. I am lost. Believe me evil exists in the world I will pray that you will never experience this great of an evil, but you will experience some evil. He literally left me and took my son for almost joint custody. Dont believe it. I dnt no wat to do. Sort the legal separation stuff and you can do a divorce online for free. I lost my two step daughters, house, friends and family as well. The same applies to young men who can be fooled by a charming female sociopath/narcissist. Thank you for your comment and for visiting the GoodTherapy blog. He made me feel like it was me, I realized later it was not and can not believe I spent so much time allowing him to make me feel this way. Im so hurt right now I didnt know what I do wrong to deserve this..anyways as youve said people should move on it us very easy to say but when you are in situation is very hard. Me if I did nothing then to love him.I asked him to tell me the truth and he said he was confused that loved me but he also had feelings again for her. .. blamed for everything. I love her so much, and have always been devoted to her, never lied to her, never cheated, never been controlling or jealous etc. So I crumpled and grabbed a couple bags of clothes and left like she demanded. Its awful. We cannot figure her out this is so unlike her. I dont want him to go. Hi Susan, I feel for you. Then at the same time, he says if I just shut up and leave him alone, he will just do his own thing and I can do mine. How can he just forget about his family? Im so lost and I dont know what to do. She didnt, at 35 she was sneaking off to smoke cigarettes (I was a smoker, she was not, I quit 6 years ago). 7 Reasons Men Leave Their Marriages, According To Marriage - HuffPost Please. He kept telling me he had to wrk 24 he shifts at a warehouse but when I asked where the warehouse was he wud gt defensive n angry so everythin started to make sense. My husband of 6 years packed his clothing and left after telling me that we do not have future together after I did not find a career job and was in a car accident. He said it shouldnt be more than 2 hours. I dont have anyone to talk to. b) they get sick c) you are unfortunate enough to owe them money ( or as they think, owe them a life ) what happens to a child or sibling of one as they grow older. Well the next week she filed a pfa against me to leverage her getting the kids half time and support paying child support. Abuse should definitely be on the list. I was in the same situation. Either way Im totally broken, unable to cope and cannot see a way ahead. A week goes by and I join her for another visit for 11 days. One of the quickest ways to destroy your marriage is to leave your wife alone. Its a partnership, a friendshipcouples give up way too easy. I wish you all the best I needed his insurance as well. This is one of the most common reasons people leave a relationship. If you feel lost and hurt by this vast life turmoil, you have come to the right place for help. She is looking for a new Hm and we are still all in the same house. She tells me she is not sure who she wants to be with. So take the time to accept your new life and move on with things the best way you can. Please keep sharing your common senseok, so my wife of 25 years just abandoned me, posioned my boys (18 & 21) and took the dogand my (deceased) mothers piano. She nonchalantly says I am going to stay with my step Then in 2014 it got really bad . Not sure I have the strength to recover.. Tonight while in bed at my place we had an argument. She has always suffered from mental health issues and I have been there for her come hell or high water. Its just unreal. Are you close with his family? Over the Xmas period she started to become distant, but I put it primarily down to the fact that her grandad, who shes very close to, is now in a home with Alzheimers and it would be her first Xmas without him. I was upset and he kept making fun of me and saying that he just follows the kids and that he is not waiting until the princess is happy. New Years 2015 she told me it was well and truly over after As she was not happy. Shell be fine, but I will be a mess. Its etched in my mind. Had there been any changes in his behavior towards you? I felt like I couldnt breathe, there was a tightness across my chest and I carried it around for months. Depression in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and More - WebMD He was my rock. She misses her girls and she feels her siblings and their partners treat her and look at her differently. Since I found out he always shuts me down/pushes me away. Giving praises, compliments, hugs, kisses and other affections are normal. No point of taking her back at all cuz if u do she will do it again. Thats not a man.. It took me about 6 months before I tried to get help and went to therapy. We are taking things slow but it looks like he has a lot of maturing to do. I love her so much. Usually it is a combination of both, dont you think? Where are you located? However, when the reflection becomes self-berating and criticisms, it maybe adds more pain to an already painful situation.. When they returned she told me shes been unhappy and is leaving me. My grandmother raised 3 girls on her own as a widower at just 42. Just feel like venting a bit. the other part of me knows that he will never accept the blame or even address it so I am not kidding myself. I know how difficult it is and I know how sad it is because I am here too but I am six months out, and the realization that I c could be better off starting to hit me. They dont even have to contain a mother or father, they could be aunts, uncles, your step-family or even friends. He would always say. I later found out she moved into the house her male boss was selling. ?Confused please help. I feel like having the high moral ground vindicates me but the article recommends not using it. The only items I had were a bag of clothes and a computer. Hate is a strong word but I think I do hate het for all the evil things she has done to me and our kids. He screamed at me in front of his son when he arrived home. I hope things are going a little better. I was sexually abused when I was 3 not by a parent / relative. She bought him a watch and pajamas for his birthday. When my kids are with me im fine but when they leave to go home it takes me at least an hour to get my head straight. You might feel like youre on an island all by yourself, but thats not true. Maybe once I can accept that then Ill start to move on, at least from crying and feeling like I cant and dont want to even get out of bed. After 3 weeks of mixed signals, sleeping in the same bed, having sex and her emotional outbursts at the kids, I asked her to leave. I cant cope with the pain of my break up. I felt like my world was ending and their was nothing I can do to cope with the harsh reality of what just occurred. If you noticed, we mentioned reading self-help books. Im sure his new single bachelor life is more appealing then doing household work chores, and Being a husband and a dad every day. Why hasnt society caught up with that? We separated, married other people, which we both confessed to each were the wrong people. And some families have one parent. All Im saying is that if you want to get better, you should start reading these books right now. Its been almost 2 years and for the last 3 days Im an emotional wreck, this shouldnt hurt this much this far along. Funny thing, I didnt know it! Before my son turned 18 he changed his mind and thought it would be a perfect time to get married. 'My husband left me after going into a depression. He just kept saying I was the best husband I could be and we have a ten year old son together. Here Are 5 Reasons Why Your Husband Refuses To End Your Unhappy Marriage, Even If You're Both Miserable. after 45 years i gave into Separation in 2012, and he insisted on A Divorce and and started on in Sept 2012 which was bitter and financially. Congrats!! Dear Tim There is a Creator of the Universe who cares about you and wishes nothing but the best for your life. The one you left feelings dont matter no more?? Most days everything fine till either side of the visit. He acts like nothing is wrong, asks me to go hang with them etc. Everyday I just want to die, because I have seen and felt the worst evil I have ever known.. I dont know. When I first left the security of my nuclear family, my house, and my marriage the world initially seemed so shaky and unstable. She has left me 10 to 15 times since we have been together but each time it still hurts the same. Going through the same this year. This is unacceptable behavior from your husband. You could emagine how I felt like someone ripped my heart out.I started telling him how can you go back after every thing that I have been nothing but loyal to him. It is just devastating Im loosing her and also wont see my kids as much. I still love him and hate myself for it. So, i left and walked around, when, i came back, they were not there.

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my husband left me because he was unhappy

my husband left me because he was unhappy

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my husband left me because he was unhappy