revelation 19 explained verse by verse

"They have one mind, and give their own power and authority to the beast." The reason is manifest there is a hinderer "one that letteth." What is there to hinder it? Then comes not the destruction only of these rebels by divine judgment, but the dissolution of heaven and earth. He is a threat to them, because He tells you, you don't have to be religious to be accepted by God. Let us rejoice and let us exult, and let us give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has prepared herself, and it has been granted to her to clothe herself with fine linen, shining and pure." Revelation 19 is the nineteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation or the Apocalypse of John in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. I say not on but over the earth. Who said Amen, Alleluia as they worshipped around the throne? Clearly, therefore, it is future. He is coming, and coming soon for us. In short, it is not tropical language, as when it is said of the prodigal son "This my son was dead, and is alive again;" or of the restoration of Israel, which is compared to a resurrection from the dead for the rest of the world. 11-21). Here it is the city described in itself, on which we need not now enlarge. It is entirely in His hand, and in none other's. Hence He must have come back previously to both. to say enough about what Jesus has purchased for us all. "And the city has no need of the sun, nor of the moon, that they should shine for it." THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY ( Revelation 19:10 b). You see, the Father has no God-He is "the only true God" according to Jesus in John 17:3. It is all centered around Him. In that it "continues" to come forth, indicates this is not literal, but symbolic. But he tells us further that the Spirit of prophecy, who prophesies in this book, is the testimony of Jesus. Even when God was judging providentially in the beginning of the Apocalyptic visions (Revelation 4:1-11), associated thrones were seen. The great city was either guilty Jerusalem or Babylon. Omnipotent means The individual has his own fruit too. Supper), who will turn to Christ in ( John 1:14 ) And now again He comes as the Word of God. Moral unfitness has its just censure; but sovereign grace must be asserted also. They picture the final triumph of God over all enemies and his complete conquest of evil. But first, the first five verses show heaven's response to the judgment of the Moral elements too were not wanting: the mystery of lawlessness had long been at work, though the enemy had not yet brought in the apostacy, and still less the manifestation of the lawless one. I think that religion is a tremendous curse upon the earth. God is praised because salvation, glory, and power belong to him. Here it would seem we have just what answers to that: this name none knew but He Himself. 19:2 For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. Again, to my mind it seems demonstrably true that the relation to the beast here brought before us must in all fairness be allowed to look onward to a later stage of Babylon. God is said to smite men with plagues, e.g. [Note: Ladd, pp. Even the worst of governments is better than none. These angels are going to be interesting creatures to meet, aren't they? How can it be said that this vile, corrupt, idolatrous system of the last days was guilty of the blood of all martyrs? "Owr hayah owr hayah", "Light be and light was". In general this has been either passed over in the chapter, or some unsatisfactory inference has been flung out, which can only embroil the prophecy. I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God ( Revelation 19:1 ): The judgment of the earth, as far as God's wrath being poured out, has been completed on Babylon. Zerubbabel led the first group of Jews, numbering 42,360, who returned from the Babylonian . The gospel of John and the Revelation perfectly disclose both, whether in grace or in judgment. Gates of hell can never Gainst that Church prevail. It probably came to be so well known to even the simplest member of the Church through its special use as a response of praise in the Easter worship. We find, accordingly, the four and twenty elders and four living creatures here brought before us for the last time. Most other commentators have seen it as the first event after the seventh bowl judgment. Patience or endurance of hope is what becomes us. Revelation 19 In this chapter we have, I. The Sword--The Word of His mouth--is now wielded in judgment. The weapons of his warfare--A sharp sword proceeding from his mouth (Revelation 19:15; Revelation 19:15), with which he smites the nations, either the threatenings of the written word, which now he is going to execute, or rather his word of command calling on his followers to take a just revenge on his and their enemies, who are now put into the wine-press of the wrath of God, to be trodden under foot by him. The Spirit of God regards it in its final shape and completeness, as far as it was permitted to attain it, "The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stone and pearls." Why is the word "Lamb" used here to speak of Jesus? For that which comes distinctly before us in this one verse is the twofold fact, that the ten horns here contemplated receive their kingly power for the same hour or time as the beast, and not subsequently, when his rule was extinguished. would be no salvation. Presentation (the festivities, often lasting several days, that preceded the (ii) There is intimate communion, so intimate that man and wife become one flesh. In short, one may be described as corruption, and the other as violence. After "the nations" in verse 24 omit the words "of them which are saved." And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." It is not only that the angel corrects the act by asserting that he is a fellow-servant of him and of his brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Justly does she gather her title from the old fountain of idols and of combined power without God: confusion being here the characteristic element, the designation is taken from the renowned city of the Chaldeans, the first spot notorious in both respects. they were saying. 19:14-16 The armies which are in heaven followed him, on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and pure. These would appear to be (save Judas Iscariot, of course) the twelve apostles that were peculiarly associated with Christ in His suffering path on the earth. The person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Redeemer, is in the centre of these future events. John here was so awed by all of this that he fell at this angel's feet to Especially they will be now, when the nation of the Jews shall be born at once, "The Lord God is the temple of it, and the Lamb as far as we can speak of any. There will be here upon the earth millions of people who have gathered together to war against Him at His coming. and could only be broken by divorce. And I heard as it were a voice of a great multitude, and as a voice of many waters, and as a voice of mighty thunders, saying, Alleluia, for the Lord God the Almighty reigneth. Revelation 2020 - Lesson 19A - Verse By Verse Ministry The fine linen the bride is clothed in represents the righteous acts of the What does Revelation 19:3 mean? | all the faithful believers saved by grace through faith up to the birth of the There is, however, a great deal more than this on the subject, and given with great precision in scripture, because this is merely the principle of sin in one or other form from the beginning. Bible Studies | Verse By Verse Ministry International Let us rise up to serve The King of kings. Sometimes, again, they have sought to turn it aside toward Jerusalem in her corrupt state. They were judged every man according to their works. He is "true," for He is the answer to all our hopes. Are we to infer from 1 Chronicles 21:12 what this sword will be? But there never was the thought of giving Christ the only place He could take. Revelation 12:7 "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels," "War in heaven": The tumultuous events on earth during the Tribulation find their counterpart in heaven. Acts 10:25-26). true sayings of God.". Enduring Word Bible Commentary Revelation Chapter 19 And it is pretty well ascertained that there was a discussion among them, even to the suggestion by one of the most wicked of their emperors, whether Christ should not be owned and worshipped in the Pantheon, hundreds of years before Constantine, indeed from the earliest epoch of the gospel. God in His providence did sanction the great empires of old; and the principle continues as long as the church is here below. "Praise our God," says the voice, "all you his servants, you who fear him." The return of Christ to earth 19:11-16. The church is the bride, This explains, it seems to me, the wounded head that was afterwards healed. It means true in the sense that Jesus Christ is the one who brings the truth and who never at any time has any falsehood in anything that he says. Revelation 1:19 - Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary - Meanwhile the armies of the antichrist perish in battle (19-21).With the antichrist and the false prophet destroyed, only the first member of the evil trinity remains to be dealt with, Satan himself. Again, death and hades are said to come to their end, personified as enemies. They will be gathered together at the inspiration of Satan. That pagan Rome, therefore, should set itself against Christianity was to be expected, and so the fact proved. Up till now the visions have mainly been concerned with the power of evil and the sufferings of believers. He is crowned as conqueror. 4:13-18). 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and, behold, a white horse, and he who is mounted on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His Earthly Kingdom (see article . "And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is near." "And he that spoke with me had a golden reed as a measure, that he might measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. There follows praise from the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures. Return [shepherd] . The marriage feast will take place on earth following Christ's return with the It is impossible to refer it to the past with any show even of reasonable probability, I will not say of reality or truth. He was filled with astonishment that this mysterious form of evil, this counter-testimony of the enemy (not antichrist, but antichurch), should seem and be largely accepted as the holy catholic church of God, that Christendom, if not Christianity, should at the same time become the bitterest of persecutors, more murderously incensed against the witnesses of Jesus and the saints of God than ever paganism had been in any country or all ages. Spirit of prophecy: The person and message of Jesus is the There is the basis for my righteousness. Scripture records no name whatever among those judged written there. These things were Christs return, Satans capture, Satans binding, the Millennium, Satans final end, the last judgment, and the new heavens and earth, including the New Jerusalem. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses ( Revelation 19:14 ). Bad as pagan Rome was, it would be false to affirm that it ever had come out of the bottomless pit. And a voice came from the throne = is not explicitly identified. It would have been incongruous to bring in that long description before, because this must have interrupted the flow of the prophetic stream. It clearly contrasts this mystery with another. The weapons of this warfare are described in Ephesians 6:12. Gods deliverance of His people from their enemies (verse 1); (2) Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God! "And to the bride was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousnesses of saints." John's age knew all about the perversion of justice; no one could expect justice from a capricious heathen tyrant. 5:10). "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood." This third description of judgment is an allusion to Isaiah 63:2-3; Jeremiah 51:33; Lamentations 1:15; Joel 3:13 (cf. (Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16; sharp . Two sets of people are called on to praise God. And Paul speaks of himself as betrothing the Church like a pure virgin to Christ ( 2 Corinthians 11:2), and for him the relationship of Christ to his Church is the great model of the relationship of husband and wife ( Ephesians 5:21-33). Babylon symbolized by its capital city of Babylon. But that the heart of man even so is not renewed becomes manifest, when Satan at the close deceives all that are not converted; and these, as we are told, are countless "as the sand of the sea.". It is not what Christ puts on them, but a recognition even at this time of whatever has been of God the working I do not deny of the Spirit of Christ. And the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints. This is most important, because it might be (as it has been) forgotten by some who make the gospel and the corresponding presence of the Spirit to be the same at all times; as others have thought, because Revelation 4:1-11 and sequel treat of Jew and Gentile, and the state of the world under God's judgments, that this cannot be a testimony of Jesus at all. . Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Revelation 19:11-21. Satan will bring forth an empire suited to his purposes, as it springs from Satanic principles which deny God; and this is part of what appears to be meant by the beast ascending out of the bottomless pit. He is thrown into the abyss (see 9:1; 11:7; 17:8) where he is imprisoned for a long period, symbolized by a thousand years, so that he is no longer able to tempt the human race to rebel against God. Let us bear this in mind. Nobody can dispute that this remarkable cluster of kingdoms in Europe was the fruit providentially of the destroyed unity of the Roman empire when the barbarians invaded it. At the end of this time he will be released for a short while (20:1-3). The account given of Babylon inRevelation 17:1-18; Revelation 17:1-18 does not follow Revelation 14:1-20 or Revelation 16:1-21 in point of prophetic time, but differs from them in structure. Revelation 10 - The Mighty Angel and the Little Book A. And there (or they) are seven kings." But the church consists of souls called out from the earth, and is not of the world: consequently to the church the time is always at hand. 1 Thessalonians 3:4-5 Commentary. Verses 1-6: Alleluia: This Hebrew word appears 4 times in the New Testament. In the tabernacle in It is reigning. church (compare Matt. Revelation 19:2 "For true and righteous [are] his judgments: for he hath judged She said, "You've had it. In our day men prophecy "the end of Christs church", but Christs Word is mightier than any word that men can utter. Jesus Christ was a threat to the religious leaders as He would be to all religious leaders. I have already touched on the double force of the symbol mountains. Judas returned the money to the priests saying, "I betrayed innocent blood" ( Matthew 27:4 ). The people mentioned here are distinct from the other beings in heaven, And thus it was but a little glimpse they had of prophecy. "Your Maker is your husband; the Lord of hosts is his name," says Isaiah ( Isaiah 54:5). (i) It can mean the witness which the Christian bears to Jesus Christ. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Revelation Chapter 10 We have already seen that God will cause a third part of the sea to turn to Imagine when all living creatures in the seas die. The political side of this is described here with surprising brightness and brevity. If ancient times failed fully to meet the requirements of the chapter, it is evident that the middle ages are passed without its fulfilment as a whole. on Line Here is one of the most dramatic moments in the Revelation, the emergence of the conquering Christ. The biblical narrative of the revelation at Sinai begins in Exodus 19 after the arrival of the children of . It is to be supposed that it will far exceed anything yet seen on the face of the earth. Verse 2. The death and decay of billions of sea creatures will only add to the misery of this judgment. (1) God. They are not part of the body of Christ. Not because any of their names were written therein, but in proof that they were not. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. The bride is in view. And it was so. He gets his power and they get theirs for one and the same time. on the other, she had, when she could, gone on increasing in both, until at last the blow of divine judgment came. We can easily understand that the overthrow of the ecclesiastical power is necessary to leave a full field unimpeded for the imperial power to develop itself in its final form of violence and rebellion and apostacy against the Lord. for the smoke from her rises for ever and ever. No sooner was the marriage solemnized between Christ and his church by the conversion of the Jews than the glorious head and husband of the church is called out to a new expedition, which seems to be the great battle that was to be fought at Armageddon, foretold Revelation 16:16; Revelation 16:16. 12:10; 13:9; and Roman And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet, who performed in his presence signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast, and who worship his image. On his head he has many crowns. There are times when John sees the Lord himself. After so many sorrows, trials, difficulties, dangers, how sweet to have such a word, and to know that He who speaks is the holy and the true, and surely about to come in the faithfulness of His love! come into its fullness. or "so be it. "These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them (for he is Lord of lords and King of kings), and they that are with him, called, and chosen, and faithful.". Return to Revelation Menu | But it is for the last time, not of the age only but of the various dispensations of God. It is suggested that it is actually written on his thigh, because it was sometimes the custom to engrave the titles of statues on the thigh. "Flesh and blood," we know, "cannot inherit the kingdom of God." "Yet is" is a most unfortunate expression. (iii) There is joy. And then those men who have chosen to cast their lot with Satan in rebellion against God. Revelation 19 New International Version Threefold Hallelujah Over Babylon's Fall 19 After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: "Hallelujah! Not so. But it was no such evil which astounded the prophet. 22:2-14; John 3:29; 2 Cor. I am the, Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Of course there must needs be a consultation with the kings, when the kings exist and become an accredited part of that empire, as rulers subordinate to the beast. It was ruled in general that the worldly powers were ordained of God. This is clearly of moral importance. The final supper will signify the end of the The surest way to have our deliverances continued and completed is to give God the glory of what he has done for us. Too bad, your unrighteousness Friday night. We have just seen that it is the eternal state. 1. As long as Rome was pagan, there was neither the full bearing of the seven heads, nor did so much as one of the ten horns exist. believers at salvation, but the practical results of that righteousness in Jewish dreams were full of the warrior Messiah, who would lead God's people to victory and smash his enemies. But this passage confronts us with something which became of very great importance in the worship of the Church. This remains true. and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God; the fierce wrath of God against sinners is compared to a winepress; and the wicked antichristian party are likened to clusters of grapes; who being ripe for destruction, are cast into it, and pressed, squeezed, and trodden down by the mighty power of Christ, the Word of God, whose vesture is therefore before said to be dipped in blood; the same metaphor is used in Revelation 14:19 the allusion seems to be to Isaiah 63:3. What does Revelation chapter 13 mean? | He speaks and it is done. Thus the second beast is no longer seen as an earthly power, but as a prophet-of course a false prophet. Hence the effort of some to prop up a manifestly false reading. It is no longer a question of sustaining His saints in grace, but of sovereign power for judging the earth. "Amen," they said, "Hallelujah!" That is not at all the way in which the guests are spoken of. "These shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire." To us, as His soldiers, Christ says "As My Father has sent Me so send I you." Now, as the Lord closes out His revelation to man, and as He begins to talk to us about the glories of this coming age, the marriage supper of the lamb. What does Revelation 19:3 mean? understand the testimony of Jesus, then you must preach and prophesy so that When you couple that with "Lord", which means Persecuted Christians have been encouraged to endure their trials by the assurance that God is still in control. R. H. Charles finely says that the marriage symbolism "denotes the intimate and indissoluble communion of Christ with the community which he has purchased with his own blood" a communion which is "first reached in fulness by the host of the martyrs.". Her part in the corruption of the high and the intoxication of the low her idolatrous character has come before us. and ever.". Man gets hung up and he stops short. And I fell down before his feet to worship him; and he said to me: "See that you do not do this. is a myth. It is not now lightnings and thunders and voices. that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 14:1-3; 1 Thess. We can see that, for instance, in the old story in which Jacob filched Esau's blessing from Isaac ( Genesis 27:1-46). Blessed are those who are invited to the feast of the marriage of the Lamb!"

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revelation 19 explained verse by verse

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revelation 19 explained verse by verse