iPERMS Access - Active Army and U.S. Army Reserves Record Managers who need assistance with iPERMS access to conduct Record Reviews usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.iperms-accounts@army.mil iPERMS Access. d. AR 710-2, Supply Policy Below the National Level, dated 28 March 2008. Time frame for separation after failing APFT? <> =IVk0h Zd`2EZ#MF9{T? update this appendix annually. 5 Reasons to Update Your Business Operations, Get the Best Sleep Ever in 5 Simple Steps, How to Pack for Your Next Trip Somewhere Cold, Manage Your Money More Efficiently in 5 Steps, Ranking the 5 Most Spectacular NFL Stadiums in 2023, DA FORM 3078, DA FORM 4886, DA FORM 7000, DD FORM 754, Table of Allowances 50 (Army-issued individual equipment). 4. quarterly If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. This policy is intended to stop our Soldiers from leaving these items in their cars and making themselves targets of the opportunity crimes.". Summary/Scope. What army regulation covers ocie? We just don't want our residents to leave government property in their vehicles or items of high value. their contract or who leave the SROTC program prior to completion. 0 NOT OCIE, non-Expendable/Durable, Serialized or sensitive. Additionally, the FLO must %PDF-1.5 Ensures the CIF's OCIE Property books are accurately maintained in ISM. This regulation updates sup-p l y p o l i c y b e l o w t h e n a t i o n a l l e v e l throughout the U.S. Army. Request, receive, store and issue rations as required. Obviously, it falls on me, but we utilized it in the field and the piece, being non functional anyways didn't make any noise if it fell apart while humping it. ;m WEATHER SUPPORT FOR THE U.S. ARMY {AFI 15-157 (IP)}, INSTALLATION GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION AND SERVICES, PARTICIPATION IN JOINT SERVICE RESERVE COMPONENT FACILITY BOARDS, RETENTION IN AN ACTIVE STATUS AFTER QUALIFICATION FOR RETIRED PAY, SERVICE OBLIGATIONS, METHODS OF FULFILLMENT, PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS, AND ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS, APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONED AND WARRANT OFFICERS OF THE ARMY (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1-13), APPOINTMENT OF RESERVE COMMISSIONED OFFICERS FOR ASSIGNMENT TO ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT BRANCHES (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1-4), READY RESERVE SCREENING, QUALIFICATION RECORDS SYSTEM, AND CHANGE OF ADDRESS REPORTING, PROMOTION OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND WARRANT OFFICERS, RESERVE COMPONENT GENERAL OFFICER PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, ACTIVE DUTY FOR MISSIONS, PROJECTS, AND TRAINING FOR RESERVE COMPONENT SOLDIERS, ORDER TO ACTIVE DUTY AS INDIVIDUALS FOR OTHER THAN A PRESIDENTIAL RESERVE CALL-UP, PARTIAL OR FULL MOBILIZATION, INCAPACITATION OF RESERVE COMPONENT SOLDIERS, ENTRY ON ACTIVE DUTY OR ACTIVE DUTY FOR TRAINING (ROTC OFFICERS) (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1), ASSIGNMENTS, ATTACHMENTS, DETAILS, AND TRANSFERS, INDIVIDUAL MOBILIZATION AUGMENTATION PROGRAM, TRAINING AND RETIREMENT POINT CREDITS AND UNIT LEVEL STRENGTH ACCOUNTING RECORDS, ARMY RESERVE LAND AND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT, SENIOR RESERVE OFFICERS` TRAINING CORPS PROGRAM: ORGANIZATION, ADMINISTRATION, AND TRAINING, ORGANIZATION, ADMINISTRATION, OPERATION, AND SUPPORT, ORGANIZATION, ADMINISTRATION, AND OPERATION, MOTOR VEHICLE TRAFFIC SUPERVISION {OPNAV 11200.5D; AFI 31-218(I); MCO 5110.1D; DLAR 5720.1}, OBTAINING INFORMATION FROM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, ENEMY PRISONERS OF WAR, RETAINED PERSONNEL, CIVILIAN INTERNEES AND OTHER DETAINEES {OPNAVINST 3461.6; AFJI 31-304; MCO 3461.1}, ABSENTEE DESERTER APPREHENSION PROGRAM AND SURRENDER OF MILITARY PERSONNEL TO CIVILIAN LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES, PHYSICAL SECURITY OF ARMS, AMMUNITION, AND EXPLOSIVES, CARRYING OF FIREARMS AND USE OF FORCE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT AND SECURITY DUTIES, BIOLOGICAL SELECT AGENTS AND TOXINS SECURITY PROGRAM, ARMED FORCES DISCIPLINARY CONTROL BOARDS AND OFF-INSTALLATION LIAISON AND OPERATIONS {OPNAVINST 1620.2A; AFI 31-213; MCO 1620.2D; COMDTINST 1620.1E}, PROTECTION OF FEDERAL WITNESSES ON ARMY INSTALLATIONS, SECURITY OF UNCLASSIFIED ARMY RESOURCES (SENSITIVE AND NONSENSITIVE), INTERCEPTION OF WIRE AND ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES, SECURITY OF NUCLEAR REACTORS AND SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIALS, U.S. ARMY CORRECTIONS SYSTEM: PROCEDURES FOR MILITARY EXECUTIONS, THE ARMY CIVILIAN POLICE AND SECURITY GUARD PROGRAM, DESIGNATION AND PROTECTION OF HIGH RISK PERSONNEL, THE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND SPECIAL AGENT PROGRAM, USE OF CONTINGENCY LIMITATION .0015 FUNDS FOR CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITIES, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY POLYGRAPH ACTIVITIES, PERSONAL COMMERCIAL SOLICITATION ON ARMY INSTALLATIONS, REAL PROPERTY MASTER PLANNING FOR ARMY INSTALLATIONS, SUPPORT FOR NON-FEDERAL ENTITIES AUTHORIZED TO OPERATE ON DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY INSTALLATIONS, VENDING FACILITY PROGRAM FOR THE BLIND ON FEDERAL PROPERTY, BASIC POLICIES AND PRINCIPLES FOR CARRYING OUT AN ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT PROGRAM, MILITARY MORALE, WELFARE, AND RECREATION PROGRAMS AND NONAPPROPRIATED FUND INSTRUMENTALITIES, NONAPPROPRIATED FUNDS INSTRUMENTALITIES PERSONNEL POLICY, CIVILIAN NONAPPROPRIATED FUNDS AND MORALE, WELFARE, AND RECREATION ACTIVITIES, ARMY AND AIR FORCE EXCHANGE SERVICE OPERATIONS {AFI 34-211(I)}, ARMY UNIT STATUS REPORTING AND FORCE REGISTRATION-CONSOLIDATED POLICIES, DESIGNATION, CLASSIFICATION, AND CHANGE IN STATUS OF UNITS, OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AND OPPOSING FORCE PROGRAM, MANAGEMENT OF ARMY INDIVIDUAL TRAINING REQUIREMENTS AND RESOURCES, MANAGEMENT OF DEFENSE FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRAINING, ARMY FOUNDRY INTELLIGENCE TRAINING PROGRAM, POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT FOR TRAINING AIDS, DEVICES, SIMULATORS, AND SIMULATIONS, UNITED STATES ARMY OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOL, SMALL ARMS COMPETITIVE MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM, PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROGRAMS OF THE ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, INTER-SERVICE TRAINING {OPNAVINST 1500.27G; AFI 36-2230(I); MCO 1580.7E; COMDTINST 1580.1}, FOREIGN DISCLOSURE AND CONTACTS WITH FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES, ACQUISITION AND STORAGE OF INFORMATION CONCERNING NONAFFILIATED PERSONS AND ORGANIZATIONS, ARMY SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION SECURITY PROGRAM, SAFEGUARDING AND CONTROLLING COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY MATERIAL, CLASSIFICATION OF FORMER CHEMICAL WARFARE, CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DEFENSE, AND NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL CONTAMINATION SURVIVABILITY INFORMATION, SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAMS (SAPS) AND SENSITIVE ACTIVITIES, THE CONDUCT AND OVERSIGHT OF U.S. ARMY INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES, INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT TO CAPABILITY DEVELOPMENT, THE ARMY HUMAN INTELLIGENCE (HUMINT) COLLECTION PROGRAM (U), NON-STANDARD MATERIEL POLICY AND INTELLIGENCE PROCEDURES (U) (ONLY AVAILABLE ON SIPRNET), ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY AND INTERESTS THEREIN (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1-2), FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE JURISDICTION (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1), MANAGEMENT OF TITLE AND GRANTING USE OF REAL PROPERTY, ENGINEER TROOP UNIT CONSTRUCTION IN CONNECTION WITH TRAINING ACTIVITIES, ACQUISITION AND SALE OF UTILITIES SERVICES, U.S. ARMY CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS PROGRAM, SOFTWARE REPROGRAMMING FOR CYBER ELECTROMAGNETIC ACTIVITIES, SPECIAL MISSION BADGES AND CREDENTIALS (U), ARMY MILITARY DECEPTION (MILDEC) PROGRAM (U), ARMY ARMS CONTROL IMPLEMENTATION AND COMPLIANCE POLICY, EVACUATION OF U.S. CITIZENS AND DESIGNATED ALIENS FROM THREATENED AREAS, ARMY GEOSPATIAL-INTELLIGENCE AND GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION AND SERVICES, PROCESSING REQUESTS FOR POLITICAL ASYLUM AND TEMPORARY REFUGE, ACQUISITION AND CROSS-SERVICING AGREEMENTS, REMISSION OR CANCELLATION OF INDEBTEDNESS, UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES RECEIVING FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM OR CONDUCTED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, SUSPENSION OF FAVORABLE PERSONNEL ACTIONS (FLAG), LINE OF DUTY POLICY, PROCEDURES, AND INVESTIGATIONS, PERSONNEL ACCOUNTING AND STRENGTH REPORTING, IDENTIFICATION CARDS FOR MEMBERS OF THE UNIFORMED SERVICES, THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS, AND OTHER ELIGIBLE PERSONNEL {AFI 363026_IPV1/AR 600814/BUPERS INST 1750.10D/MCO 5512.11E/COMDTINST M5512.1B/NOAA CORPS DIRECTIVES, CHAPTER 1, PART 5/COMMISSIONED CORPS MANUAL 29.2/INSTRUCTIONS 1 AND 2} (CERTIFIED CURRENT BY ARMY ON 10/21/2020. The sum of blocks 3(c) and 3(d) must equal the Total Dollar Amount reflected in block 3(b). For IG School questions, please use our . Click "Sign & Print" on bottom-right of screen. program prior to commissioning will turn in their OCIE to the ROTC What army regulation covers ocie inventory? 1125 0 obj <>stream necessary in coordination with ODCS, G-4 DALO-SPT. hb```b^Ad`0p\|)`S A2t4p`\1 H F9I#? /nmb`, D%@ZHMHIqi* Department of the Air Force Policy Directive 34-1, Air Force Services, Oct. 11, 2018:This directive provides policies for the identification, care, disposition and military honors for the deceased, and the retrieval, protection and disposition of the deceaseds personal property during the sensitive time following a death. a. Amentum Front Line Supervisor in support of Sierra Army Depot, Herlong CA. If the Soldier is being investigated for misconduct under a Commanders Inquiry or Law Enforcement Investigation, then no. 4. as retained issue until the entire Soldier OCIE retained issue menu is What army regulation covers Flipl? My BN tells me that if he doesn't turn it in, he will get a bill. (u) department of army pamphlet 670 -1, . (u) army regulation 670-1, wear and appearance of army uniforms and insignia, dated 25 may 2017. Cadet Command is The 10-percent reduction accounts for the fact that a Soldiers TA-50 is not brand new. What's the latest regulation that covers dwell time? 3 0 obj OCIE without a TAG requires a Damage Statement to turn in. It's really based on "judgement" or a better way to put it personal bias. army mil, what ar covers the individual ocie turn in time frame, is it possible to clear cif with 3 months left until, dod consent notice, soldiers can now expect to turn in less gear at cif during, . Soldiers who are deploying or have an operational need are provided with OCIE items in the Operational Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern, also known as OEF-CP. Update PSG wrote up a hand receipt from me to him in order to take the brunt of it all. The CIF will Soldiers and Civilian Employees may be liable for lost, damaged, or destroyed property: Soldiers and Department of the Army civilian employees may have to pay for Army property they lose or damage. Herlong, California. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Normally I'm ok with a FLIPL but when helping some ncos for 5 minutes (tops) the gear was ratfucked and I could not sub hand receipt it out. During any period in which an enlisted member is on an assignment requiring the wear of civilian clothing, the applicable replacement allowance for uniform items continues to accrue. For more information on the FLIPLs, call the Administrative Law Division, Staff Judge Advocate Office at 533.5712. The Army uses different processes to change organizational equipment requirements and authorizations. accordance with current regulations. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. A locked padlock TACOM The person conducting the inventory will enter the words "Inventoried by" print rank and name (pencil entry) in the signature and date block of the form, sign and date the appropriate column. necessary each calendar year and submit changes to the Office of the Department of the Air Force Instruction 34-1101, Warrior and Survivor Care Services, April 30, 2019:This instruction directs and guides the Air Force Wounded Warrior Program by developing and disseminating guidance, plans and resources that enable commanders and the Care Management Team to provide support to the seriously ill and injured across the Continuum of Care. Standard Clothing Replacement Allowance begins after 3 years of active duty, and is paid at the end of the service members anniversary month.Clothing Replacement Allowance. HQDA DCS G-4 The GMO POC is Mr. Amit Saigal, (410) 436-3941, or amit.k.saigal.civ@mail.mil. Current Soldier/Total Force transition. What makes a soldier liable for a lost TA-50? What Regulation Covers DA Form 3078? Maj. Erinn Kaine, the DES operations officer who headed up the policy action, said the desired effect is more protective than punitive in nature. 1. long as the Soldier holds the MOS. endstream endobj 1098 0 obj <. In this demo, we will quickly go over IPPS-A self-service iHub. Inventory and inventory adjustments, Requesting and receiving supplies, Property responsibility, OCIE, Management of I, II, III, IIIP, IV, VIII, Hazardous Materiel . Manages, coordinates, and performs assigned areas of the logistics program, to include Army Commands, Army Service Component Commands, Direct Reporting Units and customers involved in logistics support of OCIE. April 30, 2002:This manual revises and simplifies the policies and procedures for the evaluation of physical fitness for duty and disposition of physical disability in the Department of the Navy. Information and support for service members and their families. Date: Jan. 30, 2023 Title: Observations from Broker-Dealer Examinations Related to Regulation Best Interest Date: Dec. 5, 2022 Title: Observations From Broker-Dealer and Investment Adviser Compliance Examinations Related to Prevention of Identity Theft Under Regulation S-ID Date: Nov. 10, 2022 Title: Observations Related to Regulation NMS Rule 606 Disclosures Proudly powered by WordPress | 25th ID Policy Letter 01 - Tropic Lightning Week. To Print Individual Clothing Record. 0 How and Where to Replace Missing OCIE, TA50, and Army Equipment. into the next update. Headquarters, Department of the Army, DAPE-ZA memorandum . There are 493 records. %%EOF Between duffle bags and ruck sacks, there is no reason all your equipment should not be stored together. Keeps CIFs, USAREUR, IMCOM-E, TLSC-E, and 405th AFSB informed of updates regarding OCIE and the Installation Support Module (ISM) system. This occurred in 2011 and I'm sure he either still has the equipment or it's at the local Surplus Store. About the Call Center. A Soldier who is unavailable, but in the same country, has 15 calendar days from the date the FLIPL was mailed or e-mailed to the Soldier. Soldier's Guide describes the Army Values, Army Ethic, the fundamental obligations of a Soldier and the basics of leadership. The principal audience for TC 7-21.13 is all Soldiers of the Army Profession, but primarily those from ranks of PVT thru SPC. Someone got booted from the Army, but never turned in their OCIE. % contact the GMO for disposition instruction for items not listed in a. Secretary of the Navy Instruction 1770.3D, Management and Disposition of Incapacitation and Incapacitation Benefits for Members of Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Components, March 17, 2006: This instruction revises benefit policies and procedures for implementation in the Navy and Marine Corps Reserve. Department of the Air Force Pamphlet 34-504, Escorting Deceased Air Force Military Personnel, May 9, 2019:This pamphlet provides instruction and guidance for military escorts of deceased active-duty Air Force personnel. In the US Army the term ocie refers to organizational clothing and individual equipment and refers to the supplies which each soldier is issued. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Commanders and leaders will determine appropriate punishment. A .mil website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Either we're both blind or it's not in there. ODCS, G-4, The Army combat uniform (ACU) in the universal camouflage pattern (UCP) or operational camouflage pattern (OCP) is a daily work, utility, and field uniform (see fig 4-1). initial entry training (IET) and Army Senior Reserve Officer Training Under Army Regulation (AR) 735-5, financial liability ordinarily will not exceed one months base pay. References. The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-4, who is the proponent of AR e. Instructions for Appendix D: SROTC Retained Issue. 3. A charger, a cable, and a small RCU (the most important training piece). The largest single part of the FAR is Part 52, which contains standard . However TA-50 is an exception to this limited liability. Cadet Command will review this appendix annually and update as Chief of Naval Operations Instruction 1770.1A, Casualty Assistance Calls and Funeral Honors Support (CAC/FHS) Program Coordination, September 2018: This instruction makes known the commands coordination of responsibilities for the CAC/FHS Program. What regulation covers what the unit supply can purchase for Soldiers in regards to OCIE. a. process the CIF personnel will clean up the Soldiers record as much as H\j@b"gq"NP Kw>}!lB0>;NC][Nc4.N^xw~nvb._=t~Oi+~'sr\]eM>k:w^j. Privacy Policy. endobj System (ECWCS) layer Ill (Jacket, Fleece, Cold Weather) and layer VI hk0{ANi MD"p`;i{FH;}18@KP (Fe) . recoverable. A lock ( The stocking of OCIE in the CIF is assigned within AR 710-2, describing Corps (SROTC). issue of retained OCIE from the first unit of assignment to IET. For TDA changes, . MMVj0qG~;Ps. "Hopefully, it's a way to get people to think and not leave those types of items out. Department of the Air Force 36-3028, Benefits and Entitlements for Family Members of Retired Air Force Deceased, Oct. 3, 2002:This pamphlet provides general information about most federal benefits and entitlements available to eligible family members of deceased retired Air Force personnel and explains the application process. The sum of ADPE, End Items, OCIE or Other categories must equal the Total Dollar Amount reflected in block 3(b). 8013. Instructions for Appendix A: Soldier OCIE Retained Issue. He is a great guy and given we are a specialty PLT in the BN, the BN cdr and csm talk to us all the time about stuff. TA-50 is commonly stolen from closets and from cars because it has a high resale value to local pawn shops, so be sure to store TA-50 in a secure location. f. OCIE Central Management Office (CMO): Provides funding for OCIE stockage and replacement for all CIFs. The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. station (PCS) and recovery of OCIE prior to expiration of time in This memorandum will not prohibit the recovery of OCIE dC~e:QGp>r:H ~87GQ,T4aN`nfO`oE&wShJh?Ri?g=Y: z3rw~@s g?||`l*V(JVm37 . The DD Form 200 is used to document the financial liability process for lost, damaged or destroyed Government property. Each soldiers OCIE should be inventoried quarterly. Theme: Envo Blog. Need guidance from Supply folk here. AR 735-5 allows soldiers to pay for OCIE losses that are not depreciated. Such as your uniform. Provides leadership with feedback on OCIE Direct Ordering (ODO) Program . In an automated supply operation, this regulation is used in conjunction with the appropriate automated procedural pub-lication for the system being used. Army Regulation 710-2, Supply Policy Below the National Level, 28 March 2008 b. Secure .mil websites use HTTPS Time frame it takes to reclassify your MOS after submission? Appendix A Soldier OCIE retained issue no later than 1 October 2022. What army regulation covers ocie inventory? (u) wear-out date. Most often asked questions related to bitcoin. Washington DC 20310-0107, ADRP - Army Doctrine References Publications, ATTP - Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FY Publication Status Report (CAC required for access), Publishing Resources (CAC required for access), PC/PCO/FMO/EPCO Directory (CAC required for access), usarmy.pentagon.hqda-apd.mbx.customer-service@army.mil, PLANNING, PROGRAMMING, BUDGETING, AND EXECUTION, FUNDRAISING WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, CIVILIAN AIDES TO THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY - THIS EDITION REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 16 MARCH 2023, CIVILIAN AIDES TO THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY, ADMINISTRATIVE SPACE MANAGEMENT IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION, MANAGEMENT OF ARMY MODELS AND SIMULATIONS, ARMY MUNITIONS REQUIREMENTS, PRIORITIZATION, AND AUTHORIZATIONS MANAGEMENT POLICY, THE ARMY FORCE MODERNIZATION PROPONENT SYSTEM, U.S. ARMY NUCLEAR AND COUNTERING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION AGENCY, U.S. ARMY COMMAND AND CONTROL SUPPORT AGENCY, ARMY NATIONAL GUARD INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, ARMY COMMANDS, ARMY SERVICE COMPONENT COMMANDS, DIRECT REPORTING UNITS, U.S. ARMY CIVILIAN PERSONNEL EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE EXECUTIVE AGENT RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY, OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RISK MANAGEMENT, THE COUNTER IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE PROGRAM, ARMY CORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL PROGRAM, SECURITY ASSISTANCE, TRAINING, AND EXPORT POLICY, JOINT SECURITY COOPERATION EDUCATION AND TRAINING, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FEDERAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, PROCEDURES FOR ADMINISTRATIVE INVESTIGATIONS AND BOARDS OF OFFICERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY INDIVIDUAL SERVICE REVIEW BOARD, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY INTERGOVERNMENTAL AND INTRAGOVERNMENTAL COMMITTEE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, RADIOLOGICAL, AND NUCLEAR SURVIVABILITY COMMITTEE, ARMY GRADE DETERMINATION REVIEW BOARD AND GRADE DETERMINATIONS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, ARMY AND AIR FORCE EXCHANGE SERVICE {AFI 34-203(I)}, ARMY BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS, INSPECTOR GENERAL ACTIVITIES AND PROCEDURES, MILITARY AUXILIARY RADIO SYSTEM AND AMATEUR RADIO PROGRAM, COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE TRAINING, ARMY TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND UNIFIED CAPABILITIES, THE ARMY PRIVACY AND CIVIL LIBERTIES PROGRAM, JOINT TECHNICAL COORDINATING GROUP FOR MUNITIONS EFFECTIVENESS (JTCG/ME) PUBLICATIONS {AFJI 10-411; NAVMATINST 5600.23; MCO 5600.43B}, INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE INTERSERVICING OF TECHNICAL MANUALS AND RELATED TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM, OFFICIAL MAIL AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT, THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT PROGRAM, INFORMATION MANAGEMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS PROGRAM, LEGAL SERVICES, JUDGE ADVOCATE LEGAL SERVICES, RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT FOR LAWYERS, STATUS OF FORCES POLICIES, PROCEDURES, AND INFORMATION {SECNAVINST 5820.4G}, CONSULAR PROTECTION OF FOREIGN NATIONALS SUBJECT TO THE UNIFORM CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE {SECNAVINST 5820.6; AFR 110-13} (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1), LEGAL REVIEW OF WEAPONS AND WEAPON SYSTEMS, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FOREIGN TAX RELIEF PROGRAM, AUDIT SERVICES IN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, OFFICIAL REPRESENTATION FUNDS OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY, FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING FOR SENSITIVE MISSION FUNDING (C), FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING FOR SENSITIVE MISSION FUNDING (C) - THIS EDITION REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 15 MARCH 2023, COMPOSITION, MISSION, AND FUNCTIONS OF THE ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, USE OF U.S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION-REGULATED INVESTIGATIONAL PRODUCTS IN HUMANS INCLUDING SCHEDULE I CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES, TEMPORARY FLYING RESTRICTION DUE TO EXOGENOUS FACTORS AFFECTING AIRCREW EFFICIENCY, HEALTH HAZARD ASSESSMENT PROGRAM IN SUPPORT OF THE ARMY ACQUISITION PROCESS, MEDICAL ASPECTS OF ARMY AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, THE CARE AND USE OF LABORATORY ANIMALS IN DOD PROGRAMS {SECNAVINST 3900.38C; AFMAN 40-401(I); DARPAINST 18; USUHSINST 3203}, PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY AND DENTAL READINESS, OPHTHALMIC SERVICES {SECNAVINST 6810.1; AFI 44 117}, MEDICAL RECORD ADMINISTRATION AND HEALTH CARE DOCUMENTATION, IMMUNIZATIONS AND CHEMOPROPHYLAXIS FOR THE PREVENTION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES {BUMEDINST 6230.15B; AFI 48-110_IP; CG COMDTINST M6230.4G}, VETERINARY SURVEILLANCE INSPECTION OF SUBSISTENCE {NAVSUPINST 4355.10A; MCO 10110.48}, VETERINARY/MEDICAL FOOD SAFETY, QUALITY ASSURANCE, AND LABORATORY SERVICE {NAVSUP 4355.4H; MCO P10110.31H}, DOD HAZARDOUS FOOD AND NONPRESCRIPTION DRUG RECALL SYSTEM {DHA-MSR 6025.01; DLAR 6025.01; NAVSUPINST 10110.8D; AFI 48-161_IP; MCO 10110.38D}, VETERINARY HEALTH SERVICES {SECNAVINST 6401.1B; AFI 48-131}, DOD TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING PROGRAM {OPNAVINST 11210.2; AFMAN 32-1017; MCO 11210.2D; DLAR 4500.19}, DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIEL AND DISTRIBUTION PLATFORM MANAGEMENT, MANAGEMENT, ACQUISITION, AND USE OF MOTOR VEHICLES, MOVEMENT OF CARGO BY SCHEDULED MILITARY AIR TRANSPORTATION, JOINT AIRDROP INSPECTION RECORDS, MALFUNCTION/INCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS, AND ACTIVITY REPORTING {OPNAVINST 4630.24D; AFJ 13 210(I); MCO 13480.1C}, SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT AIRLIFT MISSION REQUIREMENTS, MANAGEMENT AND OVERSIGHT OF SERVICE ACQUISITIONS, USE OF VOLUNTEERS AS SUBJECTS OF RESEARCH (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1-2), RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST AND EVALUATION OF MATERIEL FOR WORLDWIDE USE, SPACE TEST PROGRAM (STP) MANAGEMENT {AFI 101202(I)/AR 7043/OPNAVINST 3913.1A}, DESIGNATING AND NAMING DEFENSE MILITARY AEROSPACE VEHICLES {AFI 16-401; NAVAIRINST 13100.16}, SURVIVABILITY OF ARMY PERSONNEL AND MATERIEL, JOINT ELECTRONICS TYPE DESIGNATION AUTOMATED SYSTEM {SECNAVINST 2830.1; AFI 60105} (CERTIFIED CURRENT BY ARMY ON 19 JUNE 2018), FORCE DEVELOPMENT AND DOCUMENTATION CONSOLIDATED POLICIES, MALFUNCTIONS INVOLVING AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVES, INTER-SERVICE RESPONSIBILITIES FOR EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL {OPNAVINST 8027.7; AFI 323002O; MCO 8027.1E}, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL, AIRFIELD/HELIPORT, AND AIRSPACE OPERATIONS, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE NOTICE TO AIRMEN SYSTEM {AFI 11-208; OPNAVINST 3721.20D}, MILITARY FLIGHT PLAN AND FLIGHT MOVEMENT DATA COMMUNICATIONS {AFMAN 11-213, AR 95-11, NAVAIR 00-80T-114}, CONTRACTOR`S FLIGHT AND GROUND OPERATIONS {DCMA INST 8210.1C; AFI 10-220_IP; NAVAIRINST 3710.1G; COMDTINST M13020.3A}, OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES FOR AIRCRAFT CARRYING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS {AFJI 11-204}. MOS retained issue items are An online information management system used for storing and managing military personnel records. To accomplish this mission, the CIF stores, requests, receives, accounts for, classifies . Can a Soldier PCS if under investigation? Department of the Air Force 36-3027, Benefits and Entitlements for Family Members of Air Force Deceased, Oct. 3, 2002: This pamphlet provides general information about most federal benefits and entitlements available to eligible family members of deceased Air Force personnel and explains the application process. Using the CTRL+F search method on AR 725-50, I found nothing pertaining to OCIE. Marine Corps Order 6320.2E, Administration and Processing of Injured/Ill/Hospitalized Marines, Nov. 1, 2007:This order publishes instructions for the provision of prompt and complete administrative assistance to injured, ill and hospitalized Marines. endstream endobj 405 0 obj <>stream 25th ID Policy Letter 04 - Retention Program. MUU Process 1. 703-695-1036. Department of the Air Force Instruction 36-809, Civilian Survivor Assistance, March 20, 2019:This instruction prescribes the procedures to follow when a civilian employee dies. I may be mistaken but if they didn't return their OCIE, they couldn't out-process and if they did, would the unit just dock whatever pay they were due i.e. Scroll down to last page and Sign on the "SIGNATURE & DATE" block and Print the documents. issued during advanced individual training or appropriate time during In a AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. Provide guidance with Unit SOPs and Army regulations to direct personnel in OCIE Showdowns, Inventory Report and Record reviewing. U.S. Army Garrisons :: U.S. Army Installation Management Command What is considered ocie? "Deployers will never go. DA Pam 710-2-1 contains the manual . SUBJECT: Retained Issue of Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment Bureau of Naval Personnel Instruction 1770.3, The Navy Casualty Assistance Calls Program (CACP) Manual, July 10, 1995:This instruction provides guidelines for assisting relatives of sailors who are deceased, temporarily unaccounted for or injured.
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